XTM Translation Software XTM Cloud. For any questions unanswered below, feel free to consult XTM support section on Pro. Z. comor write directly to supportxtm intl. General. If I purchase a subscription to XTM Cloud how quickly can I start to use it Once you have paid via the internet using your credit or debit card your XTM Cloud account will be automatically created. You will then receive an email with your log on details, so within a few minutes you can be translating your first job XTM Cloud is the Software as a Service version of XTM, our web based TMS translation management system CAT computer assisted technology tool. The software runs on our servers and you access it via a web browser. Subscription. How can I pay for my XTM Cloud subscriptionHow to Choose the Right Number of Slides for a Powerpoint Presentation. Whether youre a newbie at PowerPoint or a presentation professional, theres always one. Even more Account Options. Sign in Search settings. We provide excellent essay writing service 247. Enjoy proficient essay writing and custom writing services provided by professional academic writers. Business Continuity Planning Bcp PowerPointPPT Presentations List DocSlides. You can pay for your XTM Cloud subscription on line using a credit or debit card. We accept Visa, Visa debit, Mastercard, Solo and Visa Electron. We also have an online facility for paying via Paypal. Payments may be made in GB Pounds, Euros or US Dollars. If you would prefer to send us the payment directly then please contact us on salesxtm intl. Can I carry my unused words on to the next month Any unused words from your standard allowance or additionally purchased words can be carried forward from one month to the next. In the next month your standard allowance and purchased words will be used first and then any words brought forward from the previous month. Words can only be carried forward for one month. How can I upgrade my subscription to XTM Cloud Your XTM Cloud administrator can upgrade the subscription by logging on and going to the Configuration tab and then the Renew subscription tab. EBTJV Projects. From 2006 through 2012, we have funded 67 projects in 14 states that have enhanced or restored 208 miles of stream habitat, 254 acres of riparian. Any unused months of your existing subscription will be refunded to you. If I have used my standard word allowance can I purchase more wordsYes your XTM Cloud administrator can purchase additional words by logging on and going to the Configuration tab and then the Renew s ubscripti on tab. How can I continue my subscription to XTM Cloud after the initial period At the end of your first three months you can either take out another subscription for a fixed period or continue to pay for XTM Cloud on a monthly basis. Steps To Useful Software Metrics Ppt Slides' title='12 Steps To Useful Software Metrics Ppt Slides' />Can I cancel my subscription to XTM Cloud You can cancel your subscription to XTM Cloud after the initial three months. What is the minimum period for a subscription to XTM Cloud The minimum period for an XTM Cloud subscription is 1 month. However if you take out a subscription for 1. What are the differences between named users and concurrent users For a named user system the administrator can only create the defined number of named users in XTM Cloud. With a concurrent user system the administrator can set up any number of users in XTM Cloud, but only the defined number of users can connect at any one time. What is included in the priceAccess to XTM Cloud for the specified number of users for the agreed period. The ability to create translation projects up to the specified maximum number of words. Support We provide first class telephone and email support Monday to Friday from 8am to 1. CET time. Upgrades All software upgrades are loaded by our support staff as they become available. This means that you and all your team will always be using the latest version of the software. Server maintenance You do not need to worry about server maintenance as we take care of that. How much does a subscription to XTM Cloud cost An XTM Cloud subscription starts at 8 per month or 8. What are the differences between the different XTM Cloud account types A freelance account is for a single named user and comes with a set number of words that can be processed each month. A group licence is for 2, 3 or 4 named users who wish to work together on translation projects. You can choose how many words you want to translate each month. An enterprise account is for a specific number of concurrent users. You can create any number of users, but only the specific number can connect at one time. The Enterprise account allows you to translate an unlimited number of words each month. Training and Support. How do I contact SupportPlease send an email to supportxtm intl. There is also a menu item in XTM Cloud that enables you to report a problem with a specific project. Using this feature sends all the relevant information about the project to the support team to enable them to resolve your issue quickly. Where can I view the manual for XTM Cloud The email we send you after signing up for XTM cloud will contain a link to the XTM manual and also a Getting started guide. What training is available for XTM CloudXTM is very simple to learn. Take a look at the free online XTM training videos, which are available here. Then download the manual, and in most cases this will give you enough information to use XTM effectively. In addition every month we have free online training sessions which you are welcome to attend. If you would prefer one on one training where you can ask specific questions, this can be arranged at a cost of 5. One hour with your XTM trainer should be more than enough to make you confident in using XTM Cloud. Security. Does XTM Cloud store my credit card details No. The payment is securely processed by Sage. Pay. XTM Cloud only receives confirmation of payment, without any of the card details. How robust are the XTM Cloud servicesXTM Cloud is hosted on servers located in a state of the art facility at one of the largest international Internet hosting company in Europe. Through them we can guarantee a network availability of 9. The centre has the following features Internet Connection. Robust connectivity due to multiple redundant upstreams Power Supply. AC 2. 30. V, 1. 6AUninterrupted power supply UPSBattery mode approx. Diesel power generator. Climate Control. Under floor air conditioning with monitoring of ambient air and serverdistribution cabinets temperatures. Fire Protection. Modern fire early warning system with direct connection to the local fire station. Security. Special door locking system. Data Backup. All XTM data is backed up daily to a separate server and stored for 7 days. Is my confidential data secure in XTM Cloud XTM Cloud guarantees full protection for your data. The system uses the secure https protocol, just like secure credit cards payments so that all your translation data is securely encoded during the translation process. The XTM Cloud Services are securely hosted in a professional state of the art facility ensuring full protection for your data. Remove Parental Controls Windows 7. Since all of the data in XTM is securely partitioned no other XTM Cloud customer has access to your data. Your unique login credentials guarantee that only you or your nominated users can access the data. In addition XTM Cloud ties an individual user to a PC which further prevents any attempts at unauthorized access. Users can only access XTM Cloud through an authorized PC. Technical. What browsers are supported by XTM XTM can be accessed on the following platforms and browsers Windows Internet Explorer 1. Microsoft Edge 2. Firefox 4Chrome 2. Mac OS Safari 6Firefox 4Chrome 2. Linux Mobile Safari 6for i. Pad. Firefox for Android 2. What are the technical requirements to access XTM Cloud on my PCThe minimum technical requirements to access XTM Cloud from a PC are Screen resolution width greater than 1. Processor Core 2 Duo processor. RAM 2. Gb. Bandwidth 1. Mbs, cable connection. What translation open standards do you support XTM Cloud supports the following open standards. W3. C ITSGMX VXLIFFUnicode TR2. OAXALSRXTMXTBXCan I use my existing translation assets with XTM CloudYes. You can upload any existing translation memories you have to XTM Cloud. There is a straight forward process to import TMX files. You can also import terminology data into XTM Cloud. It is also possible to export your TM and Terminology from XTM Cloud when you have finished. What file types can I translate through XTM CloudTesting Guide Introduction OWASPThis article is part of the new OWASP Testing Guide v. Back to the OWASP Testing Guide v. To. C. https www. OWASPTestingGuidev. TableofContents. Back to the OWASP Testing Guide Project. OWASPTestingProject. The OWASP Testing Project. The OWASP Testing Project has been in development for many years. The aim of the project is to help people understand the what, why, when, where, and how of testing web applications. The project has delivered a complete testing framework, not merely a simple checklist or prescription of issues that should be addressed. Readers can use this framework as a template to build their own testing programs or to qualify other peoples processes. The Testing Guide describes in detail both the general testing framework and the techniques required to implement the framework in practice. Writing the Testing Guide has proven to be a difficult task. It was a challenge to obtain consensus and develop content that allowed people to apply the concepts described in the guide, while also enabling them to work in their own environment and culture. It was also a challenge to change the focus of web application testing from penetration testing to testing integrated in the software development life cycle. However, the group is very satisfied with the results of the project. Many industry experts and security professionals, some of whom are responsible for software security at some of the largest companies in the world, are validating the testing framework. This framework helps organizations test their web applications in order to build reliable and secure software. The framework does not simply highlighting areas of weakness, although the latter is certainly a by product of many of the OWASP guides and checklists. As such, hard decisions had to be made about the appropriateness of certain testing techniques and technologies. The group fully understands that not everyone will agree upon all of these decisions. However, OWASP is able to take the high ground and change culture over time through awareness and education based on consensus and experience. The rest of this guide is organized as follows. This introduction covers the pre requisites of testing web applications and the scope of testing. It also covers the principles of successful testing and testing techniques. Chapter 3 presents the OWASP Testing Framework and explains its techniques and tasks in relation to the various phases of the software development life cycle. Chapter 4 covers how to test for specific vulnerabilities e. SQL Injection by code inspection and penetration testing. Measuring Security the Economics of Insecure Software. A basic tenet of software engineering is that you cant control what you cant measure 1. Security testing is no different. Unfortunately, measuring security is a notoriously difficult process. This topic will not be covered in detail here, as it would take a guide on its own for an introduction, see 2. One aspect that should be emphasized is that security measurements are about both the specific technical issues e. Most technical people will at least understand the basic issues, or they may have a deeper understanding of the vulnerabilities. Sadly, few are able to translate that technical knowledge into monetary terms and quantify the potential cost of vulnerabilities to the application owners business. Until this happens, CIOs will not be able to develop an accurate return on security investment and, subsequently, assign appropriate budgets for software security. While estimating the cost of insecure software may appear a daunting task, there has been a significant amount of work in this direction. For example, in June 2. US National Institute of Standards NIST published a survey on the cost of insecure software to the US economy due to inadequate software testing 3. Interestingly, they estimate that a better testing infrastructure would save more than a third of these costs, or about 2. More recently, the links between economics and security have been studied by academic researchers. See 4 for more information about some of these efforts. The framework described in this document encourages people to measure security throughout the entire development process. They can then relate the cost of insecure software to the impact it has on the business, and consequently develop appropriate business processes and assign resources to manage the risk. Remember that measuring and testing web applications is even more critical than for other software, since web applications are exposed to millions of users through the Internet. What is Testing During the development life cycle of a web application many things need to be tested, but what does testing actually meanThe Merriam Webster Dictionary describes testing as. To put to test or proof. To undergo a test. To be assigned a standing or evaluation based on tests. For the purposes of this document testing is a process of comparing the state of a system or application against a set of criteria. In the security industry people frequently test against a set of mental criteria that are neither well defined nor complete. As a result of this, many outsiders regard security testing as a black art. The aim of this document is to change that perception and to make it easier for people without in depth security knowledge to make a difference in testing. Why Perform Testing This document is designed to help organizations understand what comprises a testing program, and to help them identify the steps that need to be undertaken to build and operate a testing program on web applications. The guide gives a broad view of the elements required to make a comprehensive web application security program. This guide can be used as a reference guide and as a methodology to help determine the gap between existing practices and industry best practices. This guide allows organizations to compare themselves against industry peers, to understand the magnitude of resources required to test and maintain software, or to prepare for an audit. This chapter does not go into the technical details of how to test an application, as the intent is to provide a typical security organizational framework. The technical details about how to test an application, as part of a penetration test or code review, will be covered in the remaining parts of this document. When to Test Most people today dont test software until it has already been created and is in the deployment phase of its life cycle i. This is generally a very ineffective and cost prohibitive practice. One of the best methods to prevent security bugs from appearing in production applications is to improve the Software Development Life Cycle SDLC by including security in each of its phases. An SDLC is a structure imposed on the development of software artefacts. If an SDLC is not currently being used in your environment, it is time to pick one The following figure shows a generic SDLC model as well as the estimated increasing cost of fixing security bugs in such a model. Figure 1 Generic SDLC Model. Companies should inspect their overall SDLC to ensure that security is an integral part of the development process. SDLCs should include security tests to ensure security is adequately covered and controls are effective throughout the development process. What to Test It can be helpful to think of software development as a combination of people, process, and technology. If these are the factors that create software, then it is logical that these are the factors that must be tested. Today most people generally test the technology or the software itself. An effective testing program should have components that test People to ensure that there is adequate education and awareness Process to ensure that there are adequate policies and standards and that people know how to follow these policies Technology to ensure that the process has been effective in its implementation.