Freelance Jobs and Projects Freelancer. The email address is already associated with a Freelancer account. Enter your password below to link accounts. Software for the apparel, fashion and textile industries. Excellent resource provided by Apparel Search Company. Accounting Software We have wide range of readymade accounting software for various business industries. All the products have been designed after having indepth. NET Standard Support. All. NET Editions now include. NET Standard 1. 4, 1. This means you can use n software components in any platform that. List of Linux Databases and Links. Commercial Databases. IC69869.gif' alt='Accounting Software In Visual Foxpro Support Group' title='Accounting Software In Visual Foxpro Support Group' />Enduser data mining, querying, reporting, and business intelligence tool. Also offer an associated development kit for building custom reporting. We are compiling the most comprehensive and exhaustive database of IT Software. If you know of any noteworthy IT Software please submit your suggestion. Microsoft. The fiercely competitive software giant is positioning its wares for cloud computing with software and services. The companys two cash cows operating. Accounting Software In Visual Foxpro Support FilesSQL Oracle Oracle currently. Linux. The latest trend is to support blade computing on. Linux. Oracle supports a procedural extension to SQL called PLSQL. Oracle also has a full suite of development tools as. Free trial download. IBM DB2 universal database for Linux This is IBMs flagship database used in large enterprise data centers. Free trial download. IBM Lotus Notes Not really a database in my opinion but it does run on Linux. IBMInformix. Informix introduced many of the latest database technologies and was. They were also a case study in poor. IBM to save themselves from. It may also save IBM from falling too far behind. Informix. for Linux is now available from IBM. Borland Interbase. Fire. Bird now open source and called Fire. Bird. Empress Embedded Database. Adabas from Germany. MIMER SQL DBMS ISO PSM standard used for stored procedures. Clustrix highly parallel, distributed, scalable and fault tollerant SQL database for big data applications. Pervasive SQL 2. SDK. Supports JDBC, ODBC. My. SQL commercial extensions to the open source My. SQL database. Scale. DB pluggable storage engine for My. SQL. Automatic recovery of failed nodes. Scalable, high availability. Commercial plugin for an open source database. DBshards distributed query, sharding and scaling for My. SQL. Includes drivers for Java, PHP, Python, Ruby. Raima for Linux distributed database with mirroring, replication, partitioning. SQL, low level CC and Labview APIs. Sybase for Linux. Analytic DB. Analytic stores are databases usually SQL for large datasets used for reporting and analytics where columnar optimization and compression are important. HP Vertica column oriented analytic database for fast queries against a large data wharehouse. Nothing shared architecture for scalability. Runs on a distributed grid of servers. Teradata Aster SQLmap reduce big data analytic database. Structured and unstructured data. IBM Netezza Database appliance with an asymmetric massively parallel processing architecture using FPGAs to support computation. Xtreme. Data Massively scalable distributed SQL database. Teradata distributed shared nothing architecture for massive data stores. Non SQL DB. Not just SQL databases. Not constrained to a fixed table schema. Distributed and scalable. Fair. Com C Tree, Database server and Server SDK file management, ISAM, ODBC multi threaded API. Full source code. Pick Systems D3 Database server. Also Flash. Connect, Flash. BASIC. Solid from Finland. Cache They brag about speed and their widespread use in healthcare. Oracle Berkeley Db small tight and often used in embedded systems. HDFgroup. org Hierarchical Data Format HDF large file based data store for complex data collections. Used by NASA to organize, store, discover, access, analyze, share, and preserve Earth observation data. DBMaker SQL database. Supports ODBC, XML, COBOL, C, Visual Basic, Delphi, Perl and PHP. Used to add database functionality to software. Gemfire VMware elastic in memory data store. Open Source Databases. SQL My. SQL Official Home Page. Yo. Linux Tutorial My. SQL and Linux Installation, configuration, use and administration. My. SQL. com Manual. PHP and My. SQL W. J. Gilmore. Infini. DB scalable database engine for data warehousing and analytic store. Column oriented DBMS plugin for My. SQL. Designed for fast queries against large data stores. Community and commercial editions. Info. Bright My. SQL based column oriented relational database focused on computer generated data web logs, network logs, sensor data. Sold as a bundled hardwaresoftware appliance. High availability, self tuning, backuprestore. Percona Server fully compatible, enhanced, open source drop in replacement for My. SQL. Also have DB backup and cluster software. Maria. DB enhanced My. SQL fork. Postgres. SQL included on Redhat distro. Drizzle Streamlined My. SQL with features stripped no views, no triggers, no stored procedures, no ACL,. SQLite Embed a SQL engine in your application. Public domain. Volt. DB In memory, high speed, high throughput SQL database. Uses precompiled Java stored procedures. Community GPL and commercial editions. Sap. Db SAP released open source database. Actian Ingres Open Source Database. Giga. BASE For large Tbyte file based databases. C API. Inherits most of the features of Fast. DB. Fast. DB Tight integration with C. Java based DB Software Products. Apache Derby. open source relational database implemented entirely in Java. Derby is. small enough to be embedded in Java applications or it can accessed in. JDBC. H2 JDBC API, in memory embedded and server modes. HSQLDB Hyper. SQL Java Database multi threaded. Can be embedded within an application. HSQL Sourceforge. Mckoi. DDB Distributed SQL Database Supports transactions, triggers. GPL open source. Other GNU gdbm extensible hashing clone of UNIX dbm. Windows 7 Portable Device Update Didn Install Firefox here. Open Source No. SQL Databases. Cassandra multi master high speed parallel and fault tolerant data store. Open sourced by Facebook. Apache Spark standalone or on Hadoop HDFS. Distributed Map reduce data store. Apache HBase Distributed fault tolerant database used in the Hadoop framework. Uses HDFS Hadoop Distributed Filesystem. Java. Apache Hadoop Hadoop framework based on Hadoop Distributed File System HDFS and Map Reduce parallel distributed processing against the data store. Framework includes Zookeeper to support high availability through redundant services. SQL front ends to Hadoop. Kai open source clone of Amazons closed source Dynamo No. SQL cloud storage. Erlang. Kademlia distributed hash table for clusters. Hypertable modeled after Googles Bigtable database. High Performance Computing Cluster HPCC Lexis. Nexis parallel map reduce data store. C. Key Value Store. Redis key value store for data structures keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets. Speed comes from use of an in memory dataset and is written in C. Supports master slave replication, transactions. Infinispan in memory. Includes JCACHE Temporary Caching for Java. Document Store. The following are No. SQL document data stores. Mongo. DB JSON style document storage, Supports replication and high availability, sharding, querying, map reduce and grid. FS. Apache Couch. DB document oriented database that can be queried and indexed in a Map. Reduce fashion using Java. Script. Provides a RESTful JSON API via HTTP requests. Erlang. Apache Lucene indexingsearch of structured text data. Typically used with the Solr search platform. Terrastore scalable and elastic addremove nodes dynamically. Based on Terracotta Java clustering technology. Google code. Orient. DB scalable Document Graph DBMS. JSON document importexport. Web management interface. Supports database structure, management of the schema, a subset of SQL queries even though it is built upon graph relationships, RAW RESTful commands. Java. Graph Databases. Graph databases store data in node based directed hypergraphs. Use a graph database if your data contains many to many relationships, and the primary objective is to find patterns and relationships. The following are No. SQL graph data stores. Neo. 4j Object oriented, disk based transactional graph database. REST. Java. Apache Giraph highly scalable. Bigdata distributed database architecture, RDF database supporting RDFS and limited OWL inference. SPARQL. Java. Infinite. Graph distributed graph analytics, and parallel processes. Hyper. Graph. DB distributed, embeddable. Supports an RDF storage and API, OWL Ontology Web Language, reasoning over hypergraphs through Prolog, XML, topic maps,. Java. Info. Grid Supports REST, Grid replication, user centric id, reusable objects, viewlets,. Java. Franz. com Allegro. Graph graph database for RDF and the semantic web. Supports SPARQL, RDFS and Prolog. Commercial product. The following are No. SQL XML native data stores.