Now things are going to get a bit tricky. First, run a search for this phrase, making sure that its a case sensitive search Tj. Keep searching for Tj and watching just to the left of the selected search results. What you should eventually find is your nonsensical phrase appearing in parentheses rubberducky right before the Tj. Click just to the left of the opening parentheses, then scroll all the way to the top of the document. Hold Shift and click to the left of the very first character of the document. Now Copy Edit Copy. Switch to your bad PDF and perform steps 7 9, but this time Paste instead of copying. Youre halfway there Things get trickier here. We now need to find the last Tj in both documents that has legitimate content the nonsense phrase next to it. The easiest way to do this is to search backwards from the end of the document, so start by scrolling all the way to the bottom. Run a search for Tj again, making sure that your text editor is set to do a wrap around search, which should have it jump back to the beginning of the document. With any luck, you can then search backwards i. Shift key and selecting your SearchFind command. If that works, great, keep watching to the left until you see some of your text in parentheses. If it doesnt work, then youre going to have to find another way to locate the last Tj with legitimate text beside it. We need to do the inverse of 7 9 above. Click just to the right of the ending parentheses, then scroll to the end of the document and Shift click to the right of the last character in the document. Copy from the original PDF, make the same selection in the bad PDF, then Paste. To recap, we have just copied all of the PDF junk from before and after the added Fill and Sign content in the original PDF and replaced that PDF junk in the bad PDF. Save the bad PDF, which is hopefully now a good PDF. Open that PDF in whatever reader you would normally use to view PDFs. Is your content there If not, then either something went wrong in the steps above or my formula doesnt work for everyone. But this process worked for me and it feels improbable that it wouldnt work in another case, since the offending code seems to be contained among the data that we replaced. To avoid the problem happening in the first placeagain. Before closing your document, make a copy of it. Close the document, then destroy the original that you just closed. Remove copy from the filename of the version thats left. Adobe doesnt seem to be emailing me updates to this thread, so send me a message at whitgurleyGmail if youve posted a question here.