How many concurrent sessions can a single server handle What are the sample downloadupload file sizes What is the Quality of Service percentageThe Anti Spam configuration will drop unwanted messages. This tutorial will use yourdomain. The desired email address will be yournameyourdomain. We assume that our server has the IP address 1. Software and technologies used. Postfix v. 2. 9. 6 as SMTP server. Dovecot v. 2. 0. 1. IMAP server. We will use Unix user accounts and tunnel the SASL authentication through TLSEmails in transit inboundoutbound will be encrypted using TLS if supported by the foreign mail server. Postgrey v. 1. 3. SPF Sender Policy Framework validating to reduce spam more about. SPFSPF and DMARC DNS entry to prevent spoofing. DKIM Domain Keys Identified Mail to sign our email messages moreabout DKIMPrerequisites. Personal. Every step will be explained in the tutorial and you will get it running even with minimal Unix knowledge. Nevertheless, you should be used to work on the command line and know how to use a text editor. Furthermore it takes some Unix skills to administrate the working mail server. Youre invited to follow the links in this tutorial to learn more about the software and techniques used. System. A VPS running Ubuntu 1. Debian based distribution. Get a VPS hereYour own FQDN domain name. We will be working on a root shell and the tutorial will use vim as text editor. Preparing our system. Setting up the host nameecho mail. Adding our domain to etchostsvim etchosts. We add yourdomain. Setting up the mailnameecho yourdomain. Thats the name that will appear on the right side of the in our email address. In this case, yourdomain. Installing required packages. Updating the systemapt get update apt get upgrade. Installingapt get install postfix postfix policyd spf perl postgrey dovecot core dovecot imapd opendkim opendkim tools postfix stop. Hit No if asked to create a SSL certificate. Choose Internet Site and press ok 2 times when asked by the postfix installer. Setting up DNSWe assume that our domain is already setup in the DNS control panel and we see the default DNS records. Setting up the A recordThere is a dot after the domain nameSetting up the MX recordThere is a dot after the domain nameSetting up the SPF record. We create a new TXT recordvspf. The SPF record protects from email spoofing. It will simply tell other mail servers that only our server is authorized to send emails for yourdomain. SPF. Setting up the DMARC record. We create a new TXT record named dmarc. There is a dot after the domain namevDMARC1 pquarantine ruamailto postmasteryourdomain. Now we will setup the hostname for the PTR record. Our configuration should look similar to this. It will take a while to propagate the new configuration throughout the entire internet. Generating SSL certificates. There are different ways to generate a SSL certificate. The tutorial will use a self signed certificate but we could also use a CAcert, which can be obtained for free from startssl. Either ways, the connection from our email client to the mail server will be encrypted. Creating the certificateopenssl req x. We will be asked to answer a few questions. It is important that we enter mail. Common name. Generating a 2. RSA private key. You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated. What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN. There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank. For some fields there will be a default value. If you enter., the field will be left blank. Country Name 2 letter code AU AT. State or Province Name full name Some State Styria. Locality Name eg, city Vienna. Organization Name eg, company Internet Widgits Pty Ltd. Organizational Unit Name eg, section. Common Name e. g. FQDN or YOUR name mail. Email Address postmasteryourdomain. Postfix Configuration. Backing up the configuration filescp etcpostfixmaster. Configuration in main. We empty the file and add our configurationBase config. Aliases Recipients. SSLv. 2, SSLv. 3. ORIGINATING. Security and Anti Spam cinfig. Configuration in master. This line must be active smtp inet n smtpd. We uncomment the following submission inet n smtpd. More information about the postfix configuration parameters can be found here. Dovecot Configuration. Backing up the configuration filecp etcdovecotdovecot. Configuration in dovecot. We empty the file and add our configuration. INBOXvarmailu. Trash. Sent. autosubscribe Trash. Sent. unixlistener varspoolpostfixprivateauth. More information about the dovecot configuration parameters can be found here. Restarting dovecotservice dovecot restart. Adding our mail user. Now we add the user for our mail account. In this example our emailaddress will be yournameyourdomain. We can add as many usersemail addresses as we want. Setting Aliasesvim etcaliases. The configuration can be adapted to your needs. Here we tell postfix to forward all messages addressed to aliases to the mailbox of user yourname. Compiling the alias filenewaliases. Setting up DKIM Domain Keys Identified MailCreating the directory and filesmkdir etcopendkim. Key. Table. We enter the following line all in the first line default. Signing. Table. We enter the following line yourdomain. Generating the key pairopendkim genkey s default d mail. D etcopendkim. Changing ownership of the private key filechown opendkim opendkim etcopendkimdefault. Configuration in opendkimvim etcdefaultopendkim. We add the line below to the configuration. SOCKETinet 8. 89. Configuration in opendkim. We fill the file with our configuration. Syslog yes. Syslog. Success Yes. Key. Table refile etcopendkimKey. Table. Signing. Table refile etcopendkimSigning. Table. Selector default. Signature. Algorithm rsa sha. Canonicalization relaxedsimple. Auto. Restart Yes. Auto. Restart. Rate 51h. Internal. Hosts 1. Oversign. Headers From. Setting the DKIM DNS recordcat etcopendkimdefault. This is our public key which will be used to verify the signature in our emails. IN TXT vDKIM1 krsa. MIGf. HL0. GCSq. GSIb. DQESYJFOA4. GNADCBi. QKBg. QDSv. Py. WRs. ZIexm. S2. Tu. QAXKPi. Q3. AXn. 4j. 25. NORe. Xdg. Kx. Iq. Awl. O7d. Qtglu. WwTH8. Mrbmx. 5Ugwaa. Lenj. IRvx. 7hvkj. 76i. XQqr. Wq. Zl. MwQAJx. AGhfaGVTYa7. PFWf. XLoqo. BW5ar. Ew. O2. 0O2uw. 5Ik. 62. Hjk. KZb. QIDAQAB DKIM key default for mail. Now we add a new TXT record As name we put there is a dot at the end default. As text we add use your public key from etcopendkimdefault. DKIM1 krsa pMIGf. HL0. GCSq. GSIb. 3DQESYJFOA4. GNADCBi. QKBg. QDSv. Py. WRs. 7w. 32xomf. ZIexm. S2. Tu. QAXKPi. Q3. AXn. 4j. 25. NORe. Xdg. Kx. Iq. Awl. O7d. Qtglu. WwTH8. Mrbmx. 5Ugwaa. Lenj. IRvx. 7hvkj. 76i. XQqr. Wq. Zl. MwQAJx. AGhfaGVTYa7. PFWf. XLoqo. BW5ar. Ew. O2. 0O2uw. 5Ik. 62. Hjk. KZb. QIDAQAB. It will take a while to propagate the new configuration throughout the entire internet. Starting postfix and restarting opendkimpostfix start service opendkim restart. Connecting with a Client. Now we will connect with our email client. In the tutorial we use Thunderbird as client. Just add a new email account in Thunderbird and it will auto detect the servers configuration. The configuration should look like this Testing the mail server. Its time to test our server. Lets send and receive emails within Thunderbird. We can observe the ongoing transactions and spot possible errors by monitoring our syslog. We can test our SPF and DKIM configuration here and DMARC here. How to Change the Primary Email Domain. A common scenario for Exchange Server administrators is a customer that needs to change their primary email addresses to a new domain name. For example a company that uses exchangeserverpro. The Exchange Server administrators task is to Make the new primary email addresses of exchangeserverpro. Make the previous email addresses of exchangeserverpro. There are two features of Exchange Server 2. Accepted Domains. The first feature is the Accepted Domains. This is the feature that tells an Exchange 2. Accepted domains can be authoritative ie, the organization owns the domain name and uses it for mail recipients or can be a relay domain ie, the organization will accept the emails but send them elsewhere. There are a few other options such as shared SMTP namespaces but for the purposes of this scenario were just dealing with authoritative domains. To add a new domain name to the organization launch the Exchange Management Console and navigate to Organization ConfigurationHub Transport. Select the Accepted Domains tab to view the current list of domains. In the Actions pane click on New Accepted Domain. Enter a Name and the Accepted Domain itself. The name can really be anything you like but most administrators just make it the same as the domain they are adding. Click New and then Finish to complete the wizard. Note that if you have Edge Transport servers deployed in your network they will not receive the updated list of Accepted Domains until the next scheduled synchronization of the Edge Subscription. Visual Boy Advance Games Download. Email Address Policies. Now that the new domain as been added as an Accepted Domain the next step is to configure an Email Address Policy. Email Address Policies determine which SMTP addresses as are assigned to which objects in the organization, such as mailboxes, contacts, and distribution groups. Each organization has at least one Email Address Policy that by default will apply to all mail enabled objects. Here we can see mailbox users assigned with exchangeserverpro. In the Exchange Management Console navigate to Organization ConfigurationHub Transport, and then select the Email Address Policies tab. In this scenario well just modify the default policy for all mail enabled objects. Right click the Default Email Address Policy and select Edit. Click Next to skip past the introduction and conditions, until you reach the Email Addresses part of the policy. Click on the Add button. The Email address local part is an optional setting. If you do not specify one the Alias is used as the prefix of the email address. If you do specify one you can use the Alias or other combinations such as Firstname. Lastname. Next type the domain name or click Browse to choose it from the list of Accepted Domains. Click OK once you have configured the new SMTP email address. Select the newly added SMTP address and click on Set as Reply. This will change the new address to bold, which means that it is the address that mail will appear to be sent from. The other email addresses in the policy will allow people to continue to receive email sent to those addresses. Click Next to continue. Now we can choose when the updated policy will be applied to recipients. Usually this will be immediately, however you can choose not make the changes without applying the policy, or schedule it for a later time. Click Next, and then click Edit to complete the wizard. Depending on the size of your environment this may take some time to finish applying. After the new policy has been applied you can see the change by refreshing the list of mailboxes. Notice that the primary SMTP addresses have changed from exchangeserverpro. If you look at one recipient you can see that the new primary SMTP address has been applied by the policy, and the previous email address has been retained as well to allow mail sent to that address to continue to be received. You can see that after these tasks have been completed the organization has had the primary email domain changed to a new one while preserving the existing one at the same time.