Hulk Marvel Cinematic Universe Wiki. Real Name. AliasesBruce Banner. Hulk. The Incredible Hulk. David BMr. Green. The Green Guy. The Big Green Dude. TT Games Arthur Parson joins the show to preview this major gaming release With mere weeks remaining until LEGO Marvel Super Heroes 2 comes to consoles. Marvel Contest of Champions kicks off our Inhuman fun. Take Medusa into the Collectors contest where she joins Black Bolt and her cousin Karnak as the. The Champions Basketball League, an independent pro league that has repeatedly failed to start its inaugural season after taking hundreds of thousands of dollars of. Texarkana, Texas and Arkansas newspaper. Includes news, sports, opinion, and local information. Ive played video games since I was five, when my siblings and I got a SNES for Christmas. I came of age with a lot of first gen FPS games. I played DOOM and. List of the Biggest database for Marvel, DC Comics, Dark Horse Comics Online. SheHulk Jennifer Walters is a fictional character appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. Created by writer Stan Lee and artist John Buscema. Your coach Oh look, its offensive guru and Guy who got a job in the SNL writers room because Dad is a billionaire Adam Gase Honeymoons over, GaseyThe American. The Target. The Green One. The Pioneer in Gamma Radiation. The Big Guy. Doc. Force of Nature on Legs. Man With Breathtaking Anger Management Issues. The Beast. The Big One. The Other Guy. Green Monster. Green Sasquatch. Big Green Guy. Amanda Schank is a freelance artist based in NYC. COC_post_master.jpg' alt='Contest Of Champions I Got A Five Star Red Hulk' title='Contest Of Champions I Got A Five Star Red Hulk' />Jade Jaws. Green Snowman. Dull Creature. Incredible Green Guy. A Couple of Hot Headed Fools with ThorRaging Fire. Strongest AvengerWere the same, you and I. Just a couple of hot headed fools. Yeah, same. Hulk like fire and Thor like water. Well, were kind of both like fire. But Hulk like raging fire. Thor like smoldering fire. Thor and HulksrcDoctor Robert Bruce Banner is a renowned scientist in the fields of Biochemistry, Nuclear Physics, and Gamma Radiation. He is one of the scientists who tried to recreate the Super Soldier Serum which originated Captain America in World War II, but when an exposure to high levels of Gamma Radiation instead of Vita Radiation went awry, the mild mannered scientist found himself plagued with a peculiar condition when angered or provoked, he would transform into the huge rage fueled and nearly mindless green skinned monster known as Hulk. Fearful of the damage that Hulk could inflict, Banner chose to live a discreet life in remote parts of the world, working to cure the sick and help the poor while trying to elude those who would take advantage of his ability to change into the enormous green menace. When a mounting threat called for Banners specialized scientific expertise, S. H. I. E. L. D. Director Nick Fury recruited him, knowing full well that the incredible strength of Banners alter ego, Hulk, would be an additional asset to the Avengers. After the Avengers split up, he became good friends with Tony Stark and was also given the freedom to live in the world without being hunted down. After the HYDRA Uprising, the Avengers regrouped to battle the growing threat of HYDRA. To make it so that the Earth could be safe without constantly needing the Avengers to protect it, Banner assisted Stark in creating Ultron, an artificial intelligence. The AI quickly turned against them, trying to cause the extinction of humanity. Hulk helped in the fight against Ultron and decided to go off the grid after the team successfully defeated him. In his exile, Banner somehow found himself far from Earth on the world of Sakaar. Biography. Early Life. Meeting Betty Ross. Robert Bruce Banner was born on Thursday, December 1. As he grew up, he started going by his middle name. In his youth, Banner had an estranged relationship with his father, believing that he was never able to impress him. Bruce met Betty Ross while in college, where they fell in love. At Harvard University, the couple participated in an experiment involving hallucinogens. They soon graduated and moved on to Willowdale, Virginia, working together at Culver University as instructors, where Bruce specialized in Nuclear Physics, Biochemistry, and was a member of the Bio science Department. During that time, he was involved in a praised work on anti electron collisions and Gamma Radiation, becoming one of the foremost geniuses of his generation. Banner later met Erik Selvig, another one of the universitys instructors. Becoming Hulk. Gamma Accident. Banner and Betty Ross were recruited by the United States Armed Forces to work on a top secret research project under the guise of a research of radiation resistance, called the Bio Tech Force Enhancement Project, a subprogram within Infantry Weapons Development. However, the projects true intention was to duplicate the results of Project Rebirth by making Super Soldiers using a combination of Bio engineering and Gamma Radiation, replacing Abraham Erskines original formula of Vita Radiation. The project was run under the watch of General Thaddeus Ross, the father of Banners then girlfriend, Betty. Banner testing gamma radiation on himself. A while later, Banner became so confident that, in order to prove his works worth, he decided to test it upon himself, injecting a promising version of what was really a replication of the Super Soldier Serum, made along with military scientists using his radiation resistance formula. However, wanting to impress Ross, Banner upped the dosage of the radiation. The combination of the serum and an above lethal amount of Gamma Radiation caused Bruce to undergo a violent transformation. The effects of the procedure provoked Bruce Banner to develop the alter ego, Hulk, transforming him into a giant, green skinned, muscle bound titan with incredible strength, but who posed very little intelligence and was driven by fits of extreme rage however, his transformations were temporary, being sporadically triggered by the release of adrenaline when he became intensely excited or angry. Bruce visiting Betty Ross in the hospital. An enraged, nearly mindless Hulk caused an explosion on the campus and destroyed the lab, hospitalizing his lover Betty, killing two scientists and an army officer, and crushing General Ross arm. In the wake of the accident, the military closed the entire lab building for a year and shut down the entire Bio Tech Force Enhancement Project. Banner tried to visit Betty while she was in the hospital, but her father made him leave. Ross admitted to Banner that the project was being developed as a weapon, not just defense, also telling him that if he refused to let the Army use Hulk for military purposes, then his troops would come after him. Three days after the accident, Ross met Banner in the destroyed lab, offering him to take him to another workplace in Maryland. Banner refused and blamed himself for all the people he hurt, including Betty Ross. Banner ran off, hiding in the janitors room and using the clothes available for disguise, while prompting Ross to order his troops to chase after him, only to find that Banner was gone. Now a fugitive from the United States Army, Banner went on the run. Banner hidden inside a trailer. Banner, while escaping from Thaddeus Ross troops, hid inside a trailer, unbeknownst to the driver. When reaching the Canadian border, the driver was pulled over for a vehicle inspection. Upon opening the trailer, the border patrol officers found Banner and brought him in for questioning. Enraged, Banner transformed into Hulk and tore up the freeway, before making his way to Canada. Eventually making his way to South America, Banner discovered a lost boy named Miguel on his travels through the jungle. He offered to help the child and take him to a nearby village for directions soon before being attacked by the criminal leader Espinoza and his men, under the impression that he was a spy working for the government. After being beaten into telling the truth and confessing, Banner transformed into Hulk and destroyed the terrorist hideout. Hulk attacking. Emil Blonsky and his team later arrived at the village discovering a path of destruction left by Hulk, whose whereabouts were still unknown. In 2. Banner tried to contact Betty one last time, but the email was intercepted by the military and she never received it. During his run, Banner travelled through the Dakotas and towards Idaho, where an encounter with some State Troopers led to violence. Some time later, the scientist was spotted via satellite recon photo in Canada and Hulk was sighted by locals along the United StatesCanada border, who mistook him for a green Sasquatch. Failed Suicide Attempt. Banners suicide attempt goes wrongThe cell was just in case In case you needed to kill me, but you cant. I know I tried I got low. I didnt see an end so I put a bullet in my mouth, and the other guy spit it out. So I moved on, I focused on helping other people. I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show. You put everyone here at risk. You wanna know my secret, Agent RomanoffList of All Comics on Comicextra. AA Clash of Kings A Contract With God. A Dummys Guide to Danger. A Fractured Mind. A Game Of Thrones. A God Somewhere. A Heros Death A Life Force. A Lucky Luke Adventure. A Nightmare On Elm Street. 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