If you are using the WBF solution, then please follow these instructions Description Brief External Description This is the Dell ControlVault Windows Biometric. Fix for Wake after sleep freeze on Dell Latitudes. This turned out to be an issue with the O2. Micro SDMMC drivers on the E6. E6. 43. 0 units that we had. After adding new drivers to our MDT server I started getting reports from users stating that their laptops were completely freezing up after waking from sleep no response to keyboard, mouse, etc. No mini dumps were generated, powercfg energy didnt show any major issues, and event viewer was useless. It was occuring both on Windows 7 and Windows 8. It wasnt until after I started disabling hardware components in Device Manager that I found a correlation between disabling the O2. Micro SDMMC controllers and it being able to wake from sleep. Genetic Entropy Sanford more. I rebooted after each diagnostic test just to make sure all changes were in full effect. Installing an older version of the driver and rebooting fixed the problem on all the laptops that were having the hang issue. Of course, just disabling the SDMMC controllers is a fine fix too.