Dual Boot XP and Windows 7 each on TWO Individual Hard Drives. OPIts easy to do this so that you choose the boot drive in the BIOS. Disconnect the Win. PC, install XP on the other drive, and reconnect the Win. Then you have to pick which drive to boot from in the BIOS. The reason is the MBR. Hurricane Irma, which has been downgraded to a Category 3 storm as it closes in on Florida, is now expected to swing west, regain power and rake the states west. Forgive me if you already know this, but there is one or no Master Boot Record on a given hard drive. If you install a Windows OS and there is no other Windows install visible, the process will install an MBR and boot loader on your target drive. If you install a Windows OS and there is a visible Windows install, the process will overwite the MBR on the existing drive and NOT write an MBR on your installation drive assuming that it is a different drive. So if you install XP while the Win. TheINQUIRER publishes daily news, reviews on the latest gadgets and devices, and INQdepth articles for tech buffs and hobbyists. Dell XPS Xtreme Performance System is a line of gaming and performance computers manufactured by Dell. Hello, This really should be very simple yet, I am unable to find a straight, direct answer. Respectfully, please do NOT link the dual boot on one hard drive from. M0156 memoria altum 512mb xserve powermac g4 dual 867mhz qgd160ma cartucho d8 8mm 7. Earlier this year, the White House requested written comments from US voters about the Presidential Commission on Election Integrity, led by Vice President Mike Pence. ASC/Images/DD332%20copy.jpg' alt='Download Driver For Dell Dimension 3100 Graphics' title='Download Driver For Dell Dimension 3100 Graphics' />Win. MBR boot loader. If you install XP while the Win. IN BIOS, as you have to select the correct MBR. If you want to boot to a menu that offers you both OSes, you have to do like it says in the Seven. I/41q04pd7HML._SX466_.jpg' alt='Download Driver For Dell Dimension 3100 Graphics Card' title='Download Driver For Dell Dimension 3100 Graphics Card' />Forums article. Except, install XP on the other drive instead of another partition on the Win. You will still screw up the Win. XP to the Win. 7 startup. Even though your installation partition is on a second drive, if you want a boot menu you have to repair the Win. MBR boot loader so that it is a Win. XP installation. Does this make more sense out of why people are telling you to do exactly what you said you werent going to doSigh. I use too many words, and sometimes dont make myself clear. Security Appliances That Can Be Installed In A Network. Heres a summary. If you want a boot menu from the Windows boot sequence, you need to do the install XP and then patch Win. It may not make sense, but its quick, it works 1. The fact that XP is in a partition on another drive is not relevant you still need the initial boot loader to be the Win. Direct, precise response. Do these steps. It will work. Back up everything. Install Drive II in the machine. Boot up your XP install disk and install XP. Pick a partition on Drive II. You have just hosed your Win. Get XP to run. Boot up your Win. Repair Install. Now you can boot Win. XP. If you do get a boot option for XP, you are done. Download and install Easy. DellVostro 220Slim Tower Vostro 220s Vostro 200s. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. BCD in Win. 7. Use it to add the XP boot. I wont give directions here the ones on their site are perfectly good. There is another way, but it is ugly and risky. If ya wanna know anyway, ask. Its something I have avoided doing on my machines. Italia Imballaggio 61. Edizioni Dativo Stefano Lavorini. Published on Jun 8, 2. Italia. Imballaggio rivista per gli utlizzatori e produttori di materiali, macchine, attrezzature e componenti per limballaggio Giugno 2.