The major change is a shift from the deadlines, used to the detriment of American national security by the Obama administration, to a focus on conditions. Shares By Lark Gould The MGM National Harbor looks across the Potomac River from its perch on prime land in Prince Georges County, Maryland, and knows it is just the beginning of a long and fruitful friendship with the nations capital. Shares La. Berge writes Its time for Christians to get back into the conversation, not so we can give people a piece of our mind but so they might have the peace of the mind of Christ. Shares Section 1. National Defense Authorization Act smuggled in by Sen. John Mc. Cain, Arizona Republican, to repay political benefactor Elon Musk proves philosopher Samuel Johnsons adage Patriotism is the last refuge of a scoundrel. Shares At the Value Voters Summit last week, former Trump adviser and Breitbart Chairman Steve Bannon announced the obvious. Right now, its a season of war on the GOP establishment, he told the conservative base. Shares It was two weeks ago that congressional GOP leaders unveiled their Unified Framework for Fixing Our Broken Tax System, and its opponents read every special interest group that employs a tax lobbyist have launched their campaigns to protect their loopholes. Shares Stress from demanding deadlines to overbooked time schedules, back to back activities, addressing family concerns all, can cause the sudden onset of a throbbing, painful migraine headache for hours or even days. Shares The U. S. Chamber of Commerces stentorian call to leave the North American Free Trade Agreement NAFTA largely undisturbed should be ignored by President Donald Trump. Shares This may sound cheesy to some, but to me as a very young teenager, I remember it being a very big deal. It was towards the end of Boy Scout summer camp in the marshlands off Savannah, Ga. The event Im speaking of was the ordeal for the Order of the Arrow, a rite of passage of sorts. Shares Since the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact decades ago, the United States has pointed to the Czech Republic as a beacon of relative prosperity and success in Eastern Europe. Farm For Your Life 2013 Mlb© 2017