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They dont feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are 1 MMR. Me writes. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are 1 MMR. No. I have 1 MMR. FALSE I tried that 4 0 4 ss build from previous thread and got wrecked by tinker mid going full 4 4 0. PD335t9O4kY/TPv89OmF8FI/AAAAAAAAA0Q/sRMQiHTaTlU/s1600/Garena+Universal+MapHack+10+-+gumh+10.png' alt='Free Download Dota Hack Map Lol' title='Free Download Dota Hack Map Lol' />I put a point on electric vortex but quite forgot how short it is never able to land the spirits properly. Regarding the above post Still the same game, I got abused by 4 stack mates for 0 5 mid, the usual pure hate comments. Turtled to get orchid bloodstone bkb and turn it around to 9. They actually do stop if they win. Had a good weekend. I knew I was better than my mmr Techies ftw, btw. So much fun seeing the whole team BEGGING me not to pick techies. We were winning pretty well, against a riki and we had dust so he was 1 5 about 1. Then he RQ. Proceeded to win in 1. The whole radiant side, except for a mid silencer who got tangos, brought ZERO REGEN into lane. I know its only 2k mmr but jesus christ you still need to get to level 1. Careful about making fun of people you get queued with guys, remember you DID get queued with them. Careful about making fun of people you get queued with guys,Too true. I remember going on a massive streak to 3. Havent played ranked in a while now though, think Im nearly back to 3. Silly question, but last year you could buy those bonus points to boost you up. They were solely related to Compediums yes Can you buy any of those for upcoming tournaments or are they only restricted to TI events Hollywood Hogan writes. Can you buy any of those for upcoming tournaments or are they only restricted to TI events DAC had them. As a noob Im working away on last hit tutorial for Venge not that she really needs it as support, but figured I need to get it just right to get my game ok before I start on pubs. Practice, practice, practice. Minions Gambit writes. Actually last hitting is as important for a support, if not more. You dont get as many opportunities as a support to get last hits, so every time you do, you need to make it count. Indeed, I didnt think of it that way Damn bots always steal my last hits though Was thinking of learning an additional character to play, maybe Crystal Maiden or a carry any recommendations Ive read welcome to dota, you suckMinions Gambit writes. Was thinking of learning an additional character to play, maybe Crystal Maiden or a carry any recommendations Carry Anti mage or Wraith King. AM is probably harder because he has such high potential for farming that can go to waste, but I suppose it is good to use as a benchmark of your farming skill. Support Crystal Maiden or Lina. Still new to Dota but I enjoyed starting with Vengeful Spirit. Ancient Apparition. Shadow Sharman. Skywrath Mage beware, super squishyAnd now moving onto Phantom Lancer. Juggernaut. Clinx. Drow Ranger. Inquel writes. I tried that 4 0 4 ss build from previous thread and got wrecked by tinker mid going full 4 4 0. I usually play a little safe with SS and only take parts in team ganks until I get orchid anyway. I learnt not to be too agro until at least orchid. Mana pool isnt exactly great until then anyway. Regarding the above post Still the same game, I got abused by 4 stack mates for 0 5 mid, the usual pure hate comments. Turtled to get orchid bloodstone bkb and turn it around to 9. They actually do stop if they win. Wards are your best friend in situations like this. If you get crappy supports who dont buy, just buy it for yourself. Played some bot matches with Lion last night. Like his two stuns a lot Also found myself in a weird place for playing DOTA Spending more time watching videos of how people play, than actually playing bot games. Is that normal I suppose for me it comes from the fear of screwing up when youre playing with other players. Problem is Purge makes it look so easy. Minions Gambit writes. Also found myself in a weird place for playing DOTA Spending more time watching videos of how people play, than actually playing bot games. Is that normal I suppose for me it comes from the fear of screwing up when youre playing with other players. Ho. N and dota and only recently started watching videos on youtube. Personally, I had a great game last night only my third with other players. I was playing as Venge Radiant in the top lane. I was effectively being the carry. Simply put, I was farming and getting kills ganks on the other team. Even got my first, first blood to lead to a killing spree. Sadly, bot was having issues and one of the players discon. I still enjoyed it though and felt I did my part. Ive found that any time I come up against Sniper I lose. Every time. I seem to always need support when attacking him. A lot. Only issue that came for me was that when I was in mid late game I didnt really know which items to get. I had power treads, TP, wand, mangos. Venge late game Minions Gambit writes. Ive found that any time I come up against Sniper I lose. Every time. I seem to always need support when attacking him. A lot. I find that most sniper players are reasonably unaware of their surroundings and I try to flank or come up behind them. They rely on their range and a shadow blade but a 1. GG. If you see them setting up for a push or engagement, take the time to circle them via jungle etc then come up behind and find sniper 3. PL, and I didnt get maelstrom to help with AOE. Ive had. will also go BKB if im getting stunned too much. I have had farm. Minions Gambit writes. I had power treads, TP, wand, mangos. Venge late game I think it depends a lot on what your team needs, either utilities items such a force staff etc or a semi carry build like the game you mentioned with some dps. However, mangoes are always recommended Minions Gambit writes. Only issue that came for me was that when I was in mid late game I didnt really know which items to get. I had power treads, TP, wand, mangos. Venge late game Not a good player but I personally go for Helm of the Dominator with some sort of damage item like SNY. Find that Venge does a lot of damage that can help a team fight. Bharathiar University Msc Software System Syllabus Design there. I picked it up not having used it before. At the end game I used it to pull the Windranger into a mob of creeps and into range of the tower, add in my Q and W she was toast. I suppose I could have used my ult, but position was just right and also it was first time using so wanted to see what it did. The Macho Man writes. Not a good player but I personally go for Helm of the Dominator with some sort of damage item like SNY. Find that Venge does a lot of damage that can help a team fight. Not a fan of this build. VS isnt a DPS hero in my books. Shes great support especially to save carries in very dire situations. I personally dont mind SNY too much but I wouldnt label it a damage item. That being said, Im not a huge fan of VS. Du. Nno writes. Not a fan of this build. VS isnt a DPS hero in my books. Shes great support especially to save carries in very dire situations. I personally dont mind SNY too much but I wouldnt label it a damage item. That being said, Im not a huge fan of VS. I disagree. I think SNY and Helm with VS gives plenty of dps and also the opportunity to still support because you can slowly build these items. I find a VS and Drow in lane make an amazing combo giving kills and free farm for drow.