Linux operating system and many applications create special files commonly referred to as logs to record their operational events. These system logs or application. Este o quinto artigo de uma srie de vrios posts que tencionam a configurao bsica de um servidor de redes linux atravs do uso de mquinas virtuais. CARTAS. Emails para o editor. Se voc tem dvidas sobre o mundo Linux, crticas ou sugestes que possam ajudar a melhorar a nossa revista, escreva. Squid is a proxy caching server. If you are Linux sysadmin, you can use squid to control internet access at your work environment. This beginners guide wil. Have you ever dreamed of your computer doing stuff automatically for you Probably not if you just watched Terminator. But except for that, scripting and task. PC RedHat Linux 7. Linux host. example. Sun Apr 8 2041 i686 unknown PC Debian Potato Linux. The site for people who want to establish the Network Server with CentOS, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian. In this article I will guide you on how to install and configure SARG Squid Analysis Report Generator on RHELCentOSFedora and DebianUbuntuLinux Mint systems. 6 Di Ferentes Tipos De Software on this page. Standard Modules. The following modules are included as standard with release 1. Webmin. You can also download and reinstall any modules from this page that. Squid Analysis Report Generator and Internet Bandwidth Monitoring Tool. SARG is an open source tool that allows you to analyse the squid log files and generates beautiful reports in HTML format with informations about users, IP addresses, top accessed sites, total bandwidth usage, elapsed time, downloads, access denied websites, daily reports, weekly reports and monthly reports. The SARG is very handy tool to view how much internet bandwidth is utilized by individual machines on the network and can watch on which websites the networks users are accessing. Install Sarg Squid Log Analyzer in Linux. In this article I will guide you on how to install and configure SARG Squid Analysis Report Generator on RHELCent. OSFedora and DebianUbuntuLinux Mint systems. Installing Sarg Squid Log Analyzer in Linux. I assume that you already installed, configured and tested Squid server as a transparent proxy and DNS for the name resolution in caching mode. If not, please install and configure them first before moving further installation of Sarg. Important Please remember without the Squid and DNS setup, no use of installing sarg on the system it will wont work at all. So, its a request to install them first before proceeding further to Sarg installation. Follow these guides to install DNS and Squid in your Linux systems Install Cache Only DNS Server. Install Cache Only DSN Server in RHELCent. OS 7. Install Cache Only DSN Server in RHELCent. OS 6. Install Cache Only DSN Server in Ubuntu and Debian. Install Squid as Transparent Proxy. Setting Up Squid Transparent Proxy in Ubuntu and Debian. Install Squid Cache Server on RHEL and Cent. OSStep 1 Installing Sarg from Source. The sarg package by default not included in Red. Hat based distributions, so we need to manually compile and install it from source tarball. For this, we need some additional pre requisites packages to be installed on the system before compiling it from source. On Red. HatCent. OSFedora yum install y gcc gd gd devel make perl GD wget httpd. Once youve installed all the required packages, download the latest sarg source tarball or you may use the following wget command to download and install it as shown below. On DebianUbuntuLinux Mint. On Debian based distributions, sarg package can be easily install from the default repositories using apt get package manager. Step 2 Configuring Sarg. Now its time to edit some parameters in SARG main configuration file. The file contains lots of options to edit, but we will only edit required parameters like Access logs path. Output directory. Date Format. Overwrite report for the same date. Open sarg. conf file with your choice of editor and make changes as shown below. On Red. Hat based systems sudo nano etcsargsarg. On Debian based systemsNow Uncomment and add the original path to your squid access log file. TAG accesslog file. Where is the access. Next, add the correct Output directory path to save the generate squid reports in that directory. Please note, under Debian based distributions the Apache web root directory is varwww. So, please be careful while adding correct web root paths under your Linux distributions. TAG outputdir. The reports will be saved in that directory. Set the correct date format for reports. For example, dateformat e will display reports in ddmmyy format. TAG dateformat. Date format in reports e Europeanddmmyy, u Americanmmddyy, w Weeklyyy. Next, uncomment and set Overwrite report to Yes. TAG overwritereport yesno. Thats it Save and close the file. Step 3 Generating Sarg Report. Once, youve done with the configuration part, its time to generate the squid log report using the following command. On Red. Hat based systems sudo sarg x On Debian based systemsSample Outputemail protected squid sarg x. SARG Loading configuration from usrlocaletcsarg. SARG Deleting temporary directory tmpsarg. SARG Parameters. SARG Hostname or IP address a. SARG Useragent log b. SARG Exclude file c. SARG Date from until d. SARG Email address to send reports e. SARG Config file f usrlocaletcsarg. SARG Date format g USA mmddyyyy. SARG IP report i No. SARG Keep temporary files k No. SARG Input log l varlogsquidaccess. SARG Resolve IP Address n No. SARG Output dir o varwwwhtmlsquid reports. SARG Use Ip Address instead of userid p No. SARG Accessed site s. SARG Time t. SARG User u. SARG Temporary dir w tmpsarg. SARG Debug messages x Yes. SARG Process messages z No. SARG Previous reports to keep lastlog 0. SARG sarg version 2. May 3. 0 2. 01. SARG Reading access log file varlogsquidaccess. SARG Records in file 3. SARG Records read 3. SARG Squid log format. SARG Period 2. 01. Jan 2. 1. SARG Sorting log tmpsarg1. Note The sarg x command will read the sarg. Step 4 Assessing Sarg Report. The generated reports placed under varwwwhtmlsquid reports or varwwwsquid reports which can be accessed from the web browser using the address. Sarg Main Window. Sarg Main Window. Specific Date. Date Wise Report. User Report. User Bandwidth Report. Top Accessed Sites. Top Accessed Sites. Top Sites and Users. Top Accessed Sites and Users. Top Downloads. Top Downloads. Denied Access. Denied Access Sites. Authentication Failures. Proxy Authentication Failures. Step 5 Automatic Generating Sarg Report. To automate the process of generating sarg report in given span of time via cron jobs. For example, lets assume you want to generate reports on hourly basis automatically, to do this, you need to configure a Cron job. Next, add the following line at the bottom of the file. Save and close it. The above Cron rule will generate SARG report every 1 hour. Reference Links. Sarg Homepage. Thats it with SARG I will be coming up with few more interesting articles on Linux, till then stay tuned to Tec. Mint. com and dont forget to add your valuable comments.