The model libraries I found are http artist 3d. I looked though the options and selected this model I opened it in Net. Fabb and exported it as an OBJ, then imported it into Mesh. Mixer. I imported my head, making sure to Append rather than Replace. The first thing I noticed was that my head was literally about a hundred times larger than the body. I tried selecting the body and doing a Transform Faces deformation, but either the model was too complex or, more likely, the independently modeled eyes and mouth prevented me from scaling it up to the size of the head. Terramodel Command List including TMLs compiled by Geocomp Systems. FILExt. com is the file extension source. Here youll find a collection of file extensions many linked to the programs that created the files. Remove Cs3 Before Cs5 Install there. This is the FILExt home. You have not yet voted on this site If you have already visited the site, please help us classify the good from the bad by voting on this site. Instead I had to scale the head down. This took a good 1. I had to keep rotating, panning, zooming and transforming to not only get the head small enough to fit on the body, but also to move it close enough to be able to see both at a reasonable size. Eventually I ended up with the head about the right size and next to the body. I selected the body and used the lasso tool to highlight the stock models face from forehead to chin, cheek to cheek. Then I used the Discard edit to remove the face altogether. If I could have I would have used Erase and Fill, leaving a flat featureless face instead of a hole, but the problem with the eyes and mouth prevented that. This step helps to mitigate any problems that might arise from, say, the bodys nose poking through my face. Its easier to put a new face on a blank head. Next, I fiddled with the scale, rotation, and location of the head until I got it exactly where I wanted it. I used the bodys ears as guides for how deep to put the face and to make sure the head wasnt cocked to one side. This took a little bit of work, but eventually it looked pretty good. One thing to note in the below picture is that part of the head stayed behind when I moved it over to the left. This happens sometimes, even when you CtrlA to select all. Dont worry, as long as the part that move looks fine there shouldnt be any problems. Youll notice that parts of the bodys jaw and forehead are still sticking out. Once the head is in place its fairly simple to clean up these intersections. Select the body and highlight any areas that are sticking through, then Discard them. I also took the liberty of cleaning up my head at this point, Discarding parts of the neck, ears and hair that stuck out. Once you think it looks good enough you can combine the two separate models into a single, merged model. Select one model, then ShiftClick the other. They should both turn white as if they were selected. Go to Edits Combine to merge the models into one. Now that we have just one model we can refine it a little bit more. Select any areas where the head and body meet in an awkward way. This will usually be around the jaw, back of the head, and ears. Making sure to select small patches over large swaths, use the Erase and Fill tool to level out and smooth these areas. At this point you can fiddle with the model as much as you want. Try experimenting with the other brushes Mesh. Mixer offers to give yourself horns or something. When youre done, export your model as an OBJ by going to File Export. You have the option of exporting as an STL, but dont do that yet. Once you have your single exported model its time to open up Net. Fabb again. Run the repair function on it just to make sure its all watertight this is where you may need to switch between default and simple repair and export your part, this time as an STL. Congratulations You now have a printable model of yourself as an action figureWell cover how to print and paint your model in the last step.