Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get. Why should I select Touchstone for my US military document research and retrieval needs Touchstone opened in 2006 weve been in business longer than any of our. View or update your Compensation and Pension CP claimCheck the status of your CP claim and upload supporting documents. Surviving spouses and parents can view. Get the Widget Code Here. To get the Navy Plan of the Day Widget on your page, simply copy the selected line of HTML code below highlight text and press ctrlC and. Navy Resource Guide Navy Smart. The Navys rare move to simultaneously surge to three aircraft carriers in the Pacific will create a major display of American sea power. Trumps armada Navy assembles 3 carriers in Asia for the presidents visit. The Navys rare move to simultaneously surge to three aircraft carriers in the Pacific will create a major display of American sea power. Many troops in the Pacific dont think war with North Korea is imminent. And many troops stationed there say the panic level is much higher in the U. The FY12 Master Sergeant Promotion and Selection Board convened at the DA Secretariat, Fort Knox, Kentucky on 18 October 2011 to select the best qualified. The mission of the Navy Uniform Matters Office is to maintain and interpret the Navy Uniform Regulations. Monitor implementation of uniform policy. Army MOS 42F Human Resources Information Management Specialist Information on the Army and its Soldiers and Officers needs to be very organized and properly documented. How To Update Ompf Army Regulations' title='How To Update Ompf Army Regulations' />S. Pacific. VA Secret waiting list delayed care for 8. U. S. Department of Veterans Affairs officials say an unauthorized, secret waiting list for psychotherapy appointments at Omahas VA hospital delayed care for 8. JFK files release is Trumps latest clash with spy agencies. It was a showdown 2. With the world itching to finally get a look at classified Kennedy assassination files, and the deadline for their release just hours away, intelligence. Marine veterans death at Wisconsin VAThe government has reached a 2. Marine veteran who died of a drug overdose at the troubled Wisconsin Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Pentagon identifies soldier killed in Afghanistan helicopter crash. Chief Warrant Officer 2 Jacob Sims was assigned to the elite 1. Special Operations Aviation Regiment. Survey Do you want Arlington National Cemetery to encroach on the Marine Corps War MemorialThe cemetery wants to know what you think about the proposed expansion. The Army is buying a device that can quickly assess traumatic brain injury on the battlefield. The Army has awarded a contract for development of a device to quickly determine if a person has a brain injury and how severe it is. Mattis to troops US Korea alliance rides on your shouldersTroops asked Mattis about whether Pacific Fleet would get more ships and whether more tours to Korea could be accompanied. Trump announces the Pentagons top Asia, technology nominees. The White House has announced Michael Griffin and Randall Schriver will be its new tech head and Asia policy lead at the Pentagon, respectively. Naval History Edit. October 2. 8th, Wednesday, 2. During the War of 1. Argus, commanded by Commodore Arthur Sinclair, captures the British merchant brig Fly in the North Atlantic. October 2. 8th, Saturday, 1. Orders are issued for the first Naval Attache, Lt. Cmdr. French E. Chadwick, to be sent to London. October 2. 8th, Thursday, 7. Lt. Franklin M. Murray, in a TBF Avenger, and Ensign Gerald L. Handshuh, in an FM 2 Wildcat, from Composite Squadron VC 1 on USS Block Island CVE 2. German submarine U 2. Newfoundland. 1. 94. October 2. 8th, Saturday, 7. USS Gleaves DD 4. Franco Italian coast, bombards German troop concentrations, barracks, and gun emplacements. Enemy shore fire at the destroyer is inaccurate, but Gleaves achieves excellent return fire results. October 3. 0th, Wednesday, 2. William Balch becomes the U. S. Navys first commissioned chaplain. October 3. 0th, Friday, 1. The wooden side wheel steam ship Vanderbilt captures the bark Saxon, which was suspected of having rendezvoused with and taken cargo from CSS Tuscaloosa at Angra Pequena, Africa. October 3. 0th, Thursday, 7. The oiler USS Salinas AO 1. Newfoundland by German submarine U 1. Without loss of life to Salinas crew, the vessel returns to New York for repairs. October 3. 0th, Monday, 7. USS Argus PY 1. 4 rescues all survivors of the U. S. freighter John A. Johnson, which was sunk by Japanese submarine I 1. Oahu. 1. 94. 4, October 3. Monday, 7. 3 years ago. USS Franklin CV 1. USS Belleau Wood CVL 2. Japanese kamikaze near the Philippines. The attack on Franklin kills 5. Belleau Wood sees 9. Both ships return to the U. S. for repairs. Use the Amazon Smile link above every time you shop at Amazon and Amazon will donate a portion of their profit to the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society. Allotment. Automatic payments from your paycheck to organizations, individuals, or savings accounts. Sailors can create up to six discretionary allotments. Log in to My. Pay Allotments. Alternate Cardio Calculator. Convert alternate cardio scores to a PRT run time. Log in to BUPERS PRIMS Help Bike Elliptical Calculator. Microsoft Office 2007 Tutorial Ebook. Amazon. Amazon Smile link with proceeds benefiting the Navy Marine Corps Relief Society. Awards. docEnd of Tour Typically submitted to admin, along with supporting paperwork, 9. If the Sailor is separating, the paperwork should be submitted 9. Sailor should schedule a CDB. Sailors are able to check their received awards on NDAWS. Bodybuilding. com ships high quality protein powders and supplements underway. BAH Calculator Basic Allowance for Housing CalculatorCalculate housing allowance by ZIP code. BIBs BibliographiesOfficial study guides for enlisted advancement exams. Go to Navy Cool Select your rate in the Advancement Exam Bibliographies drop down menu Press Go Select your rank under Advancement Exam Bibliographies Select Bibliographies for your active duty status. Blue Coat Site Review. NMCI only allows access to sites categorized by Blue Coat. Uncategorized sites are blocked but can be submitted for review. Enter the URL Check Rating. Set Filtering Service to Blue Coat Proxy. SG, set the appropriate Category and press Submit for Review. Bodybuilding. com. Ships high quality protein powders and supplements underway. Brag Sheet. docKeep a running brag sheet for your time at a command. Be detail oriented, quantitative, and keep separated files for each EVAL period. Information from this document is used to create EVALs and awards. BUPERS Bureau of Naval Personnel Online or BOLAccess to several administrative records. CAC Reader Configuration Common Access Card Reader ConfigurationItalicized links on this site require your CAC inserted into a configured CAC reader before loading. Cadences. Traditional call and response work songs sung by military personnel while running or marching. CANTRAC Catalog of Navy Training CoursesSearch training and E Learning courses. CDB Worksheet. doc Career Development Board WorksheetThe worksheet needed for a CDB a formal meeting with a Sailor and their Chain of Command for Sailor familiarization and discuss expectations, command mission, and SMART goals Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Trackable. Conducted within 6. Sailor, their Chain of Command, if a Sailor did not advance on their advancement exam, or make board on their chief exam. Pro Tip LPOs, periodically review your Sailors goals and follow up with them to see how they are progressing. Ce. TARS Corporate Enterprise Training Activity Resource SystemInformation on Navy NECs Navy Enlisted Classification and schools. CFC Combined Federal CampaignContribute a portion of your paycheck to charitable organizations. Paycheck contributions can only be created from 0. OCT 3. 1DEC but the charity list is viewable year round. Log in to My. Pay Combined Federal Campaign CFC. CIMS Career Information Management SystemA variant of NSIPS available to Career Councilors to manage Sailors careers. Citibank. Manage government travel cards. CMSID Career Management SystemInteractive DetailingAllows Sailors to view and apply for orders for their next command. Sailors are also able to set location preferences for future orders. Pro Tip Thirteen months before your PRD, update your contact information and duty station preferences. Community Summary Sheet. A monthly snapshot of a ratings health. NPC Enlisted Community Managers Select your community, ie Information Warfare Select your rate, ie CTN Rating Community Overview. Counseling Chit. Formal documentation for counseling a Sailor. Pro Tip Counseling chits create a needed paper trail to deal with repeat offenders, but formal documentation isnt always the best approach. If appropriate, consider talking with the Sailor in private for first and minor offences.