Gift cards works just like credit on your account. If you know youre going to spend a ton of cash Tuesday or even just shop regularly on Amazon, then adding 1. Get It Now. If youve never tried Prime Now, Amazon is offering 1. PRIMEDAY. If youre considering purchasing something, it could be a good idea to see if its available for immediate delivery in your area just so you can take advantage of this one. Hang With Alexa. Access to this years deals starts at 9pm ET Monday for people who have Alexa devices. Say Alexa, what are your deals to hear whats available right now. Download Amazons App. The Amazon app is your key to not missing out on any deals. Adobe After Effect Free Template Star Wars Intro Background. Within the app go to Todays Deals and then Upcoming to see all the Prime deals 2. If theres something youve got your eye on, you can Watch this Deal to get a notification when the sale has officially started for that item. To catch the good deals this planning step is key. Even better, if youve never used the app before, Amazon is offering 1. Join the Waitlist. Even if an item sells out and trust me, the thing you want probably will, you can click the Join Waitlist button on the product page to get notified if for some reason more inventory becomes available. Pay Attention. Just like Black Friday, there are going to be deals on Prime Day that arent really a bargain at all. Pay attention to what a deal actually is, how much or a product youre getting do you have somewhere to store that 4. Charmin, and whether or not its actually a big discount in the first place. Theres also the matter of making sure what youre buying is something you actually want or need. No matter how cheap something is, if its useless to you then its not a bargain at all.