Excel has incredible tools for sorting and harnessing data. In this article we will explore drop down menus and embedded IF formulas to create a quote for a custom. In this tutorial, learn how to select multiple items from a drop down list in Excel. This can be achieved by using a simple VBA code. Working with the PivotTable Fields list. In the Field Name area at the top, select the check box for any field you want to add to your PivotTable. MS Office 2007 download will let you know the key features of Microsoft Office along with the right places for Microsoft office 2007 free download. Free Microsoft Excel Tests ANSWER EXPLANATIONS Free Excel Training Microsoft Excel 2. Tests Quizzes Microsoft Excel Help. Microsoft Excel Training. Microsoft Excel allows you to create a dropdown list that gives you the ability to choose values or items listed in one cell. This can be used with your business. Excel 2. 01. 0 Tests Index Page. Question Multiple Choice Tests Quizzes Excel Questions and Answers with Explanations Our Excel Program Tests have matching Tutorials. Dependent-drop-down-lists-vba-ex5.png' alt='Microsoft Word Drop Down List Multiple Selections From A List' title='Microsoft Word Drop Down List Multiple Selections From A List' />Excel Help that can be used for Excel Test Prep. Practice Tests to improve skills proficiency. Excel for Beginners to Advanced Excel Training. Do the Test then study the Tutorial if you need toor do the Tutorial then Test yourself Easy Excel Shortcuts Test Excel Shortcut Keys for Beginners. Easy Excel Shortcuts Everyone Should Know Excel shortcut keys make performing tasks that you frequently perform in Excel, quick and easy. A number of keyboard combinations provide quick access to specific tasks. Intermediate Excel Shortcuts Test Excel Hotkeys Excel Keyboard Shortcuts streamline tasks that you frequently perform in Excel by allowing you to quickly access specific functions. Memorizing a couple of essential shortcut key combinations could save you time and frustration and could even assist you in using different versions of Excel as most shortcut keys have not changed in the last decade Excel Shortcuts for Worksheets Test Excel Keyboard Shortcuts Hotkeys Shortcuts for Moving Around CellsShortcuts for Moving to the Beginning and End of DataShortcuts for Selecting Rows and ColumnsShortcuts for The Go To Dialogue BoxShortcuts to Undo and Redo Part of working smarter and not harder in Excel means becoming a pro at using Excel shortcut keys to move and make selections in the worksheet. Improve your Excel skills with the free Multiple Choice Excel Test Questions and Answers Quiz with Explanations. Excel Shortcuts for Cell Contents Test Excel Keyboard Shortcuts Hotkeys Shortcuts to Undo and RedoShortcuts to Cut, Copy, Paste and Edit Cell Contents Shortcuts to Insert Comments and HyperlinksShortcuts to Insert Dates and Times Shortcuts to Display Cell Value or Formula. Part of working smarter and not harder in Excel means becoming a pro at using keyboard shortcuts to cut, copy, paste, and format the contents of the cells. Improve your Excel proficiency with the free Multiple Choice Excel Test Questions and Answers Quiz with Explanations. Excel Shortcuts for Inserting Deleting Rows, Columns Cells Excel Test Selecting Rows and Columns Deleting Rows and Columns Excel Insert Row Shortcut and Insert Column ShortcutResizing Rows and Columns. Learn Excel shortcut keys and work smarter not harder. The Excel shortcut inset row, delete row, columns and cells as well as adjust column width and row height are ones you will use every day. Improve your Excel proficiency with this free Excel Quiz. Improve your Excel skills with the free Multiple Choice Excel Test Questions and Answers Quiz with Explanations. Excel Shortcuts for Formatting Numbers Test Excel Keyboard Shortcuts HotkeysShortcuts for Applying Formats Shortcuts for General Number Scientific Number Formats Shortcuts for Time and Date Format Shortcuts for Percentage Format Shortcuts for Currency Format. Learn Excel formatting shortcuts and save yourself enough time for a well earned coffee break Improve your Excel proficiency with the free Multiple Choice Excel Test Questions and Answers Quiz with Explanations. Excel Formulas Shortcuts Test Excel Keyboard Shortcuts HotkeysShortcuts for Autosum Shortcuts for Copy Formulas Down Shortcuts for Insert Functions, Formulas and Arguments Shortcuts for Array Formulas Shortcuts for Calculate the Worksheet. Part of working smarter and not harder in Excel means becoming a pro at using keyboard shortcuts to to enter formulas. Improve your Excel skills with the free Multiple Choice Excel Test Questions and Answers Quiz with Explanations. BACK TO TOP of page. Learn Excel Basics Excel for Beginners Tests. Basic Excel Skills The best way to learn Excel Online Free Excel 2. Training 7 Online Excel Tests with Answer Explanations. Excel Basics TestParts of the Screen Columns, Rows, Cells Parts of the Worksheet Starting out in Excel its important to identify and understand all what you see on the screen. The Ribbon, Tabs, the Quick Access Toolbar, the Name Box, the Formula Bar, Column and Row Labels, Cells and Cell Addresses and the Worksheet Tabs. Test your Excel skills with the free 1. Question Multiple Choice Excel Quiz with Answers and Answer Explanations. Using the File Tab Excel Test Saving and Opening a Workbook Creating a New WorkbookRecent Places Print Preview. An overview of the common tasks that can be completed using the File Tab aka The Backstage View including the list of recent documents, using pushpins to keep documents at the top of the list, print and print preview, and save and save as. Test your Excel skills with the free 1. Question Multiple Choice Excel Quiz with Answers and Answer Explanations. The Views in Excel TestNormal View Page Layout View Page Break Preview Zoom Options. There are different ways to view your worksheet depending on what you want to do. Understanding and using the different views in Excel can make your work much easier. This includes Normal, Page Layout, Page Break views and the Zoom feature. Test your Excel skills with the free 1. Question Multiple Choice Excel Quiz with Answers and Answer Explanations. Bs Player Pro 2 65 Easy Install Fence. Moving Around the Worksheet Excel TestNavigating Around a Worksheet Selection Methods The Go To Function Excel worksheets can be quite big and contain multiple columns and rows of data. Knowing how to use the mouse, keyboard and Go To features as well as how to select columns, rows and multiple cells makes using Excel much easier and can save you a lot of time. Test your Excel skills with the free 1. Question Multiple Choice Excel Quiz with Answers and Answer Explanations. Using the Ribbon Excel TestHow is the Ribbon organizedHow are Tabs organized What are Contextual Tabs Identifying Groups on the Ribbon Show Hide the Ribbon The Ribbon replaces the old Menu system. Learn how the tabs are organized into groups, how to open the group dialog box and how to hide the ribbon. Customizing the Quick Access Toolbar TestWhat is the Quick Access Toolbar Move the Quick Access Toolbar Customize the Quick Access Toolbar Organize buttons on the Quick Access Toolbar. The Quick Access Toolbar can be customized with your most frequently used buttons. Learn how to add, delete and change the position of the buttons you use the most. The Excel Screen Test. Getting to know the Excel screen like the proverbial back of your hand will make every other part of Excel easier. Knowing the correct names for different areas on the screen will assist you in understanding tutorials and Microsoft Office help answers and is well worth investing time in. BACK TO TOP of page. Entering Data in Excel TestsFree Excel 2. Training 4 Free Online Tests with Answer Explanations. Basic Data Entry and Navigation Excel TestNavigating a Sheet Entering Text and Numbers Editing Text and Numbers Deleting Text and Numbers. Nothing is more fundamental to using Excel than knowing how to enter, edit and delete text and numbers in cells. Test your Excel skills with the free 1. Question Multiple Choice Excel Quiz with Answers and Answer Explanations. Copying and Pasting Excel TestCopying and Pasting Using the Fill Handle To Copy Drag And Drop Undo And Redo. In Excel you will frequently copy and paste text and numbers using keyboard shortcuts, the right mouse button, the fill handle and the drag and drop functions. Using the copying and pasting functions in Excel will not only save you time from having to re enter data repeatedly, it may also ensure more accurate data entry and less frustration. Test your Excel skills with the free 1. Question Multiple Choice Excel Quiz with Answers and Answer Explanations.