Were exclusive, I dont doubt that he loves me and sees a future together, and he treats me very well. I really dont mind his messy piles of clothes on the floor or his ineptitude in the kitchen. I dont even care that he makes half the money I do. Im just so thrilled that hes sensitive, attractive, affectionate, and attentive, and that he chose me Hes even commented about how happy he is with me because Im so easy going. It seems like a match made in heaven and Im crazy about the guy. Except for one thing. And I just cant tell if it should be a deal breaker or not. My concern is that he never asks me questions about who I am. He wouldnt know anything about me if I didnt volunteer it. Ive always been the type to want to know everything about the person Im in love with and I ask a million questions. Ive asked him why he doesnt have a curiosity about the experiences that have made me who I am or the dreams I have for my life, and his response has been You tell me everything I need to know, why do I need to ask But if he only knew how much he doesnt know Some tough subjects just dont come up over the dinner table. He has acknowledged my concern, but nothing has changed and I know I cant make him change but I thought by now wed be closer emotionally because of the intimate things we know about each other that no one else does or very few. A perfect example is the time we were discussing guns and Id told him Id never owned one because I am a felon. Wouldnt you want to know about your girlfriends criminal history Not him, apparently, and he still doesnt. Ive never dated anyone before who didnt ask at least an occasional question and it bothers me. Crack Activation Key For Stellar Phoenix Photo Recovery. Hi Ken, You may recall you have put up a few posts of my grandson as we take him through the outdoor life, from his first fish and deer, and now his first pig. Over the past four years, Ive been keeping a list of all the things Id want to teach my adult child about lifes biggies Career, relationships, looks, money. The day I left my son in the car I made a splitsecond decision to run into the store. I had no idea it would consume the next years of my life. Before the Law A boy was accused of taking a backpack. The courts took the next three years of his life. If I start telling a story from my childhood or discussing my day at work, I think He doesnt care about this or he would have asked, and I find myself cutting it short or not even bringing it up in the first place. Things are wonderful in so many other ways but this is beginning to really weigh on me and Id love your advice from a mans perspective Is he a keeper Is there a way I can naturally pique his curiosity Can a man really be this poor at communicating Thanks for your inputfeedback. Holly. Im with you, Holly. By and by, Bill sits up and feels behind his ear and says Sam, do you know who my favourite Biblical character is Take it easy, says I. Paul Kalanithi on his last day practicing medicine, from his posthumously published memoir, When Breath Becomes Air. If you are tired of life, overworked, stressed out, burned up, or chronically busy, this is for you. I dont get people like this. I, too, am inquisitive, and am perpetually shocked when others are not just less inquisitive, but not remotely curious about me. No, Hows your business going or What are you working on next or Whats your favorite part of being a father Youre not going to win many friends if you never make anyone else in the world feel interesting. The crazy thing is as youve already acknowledged when you said your boyfriend is sensitive, attractive, affectionate, and attentive, these types of folks arent bad people. But they are CLUELESS people who would be well served to pick up a copy of Dale Carnegies How to Win Friends and Influence People. Youre not going to win many friends if you never make anyone else in the world feel interesting. Which only provokes me to ask the obvious question how did you let a disinterested guy like this become your boyfriend Wasnt it obvious after, oh, I dont know Date 1 that his conversational skills were all about what was going on in his life, at his job, what he saw on TV, his funny stories from college If youre pretty, nice, and accept him as he is, hes probably gonna be a happy camper. Didnt it bother you from the get go that he couldnt even feign interest in what makes you tick Or did it really take a year to dawn upon you that you are pretty much a stranger to your own boyfriend and that he primarily likes you because youre pretty and patientMaybe Im a little egocentric, but that shit wouldnt fly with me. I love the fact that my wife wants to know everything about me stories of crazy ex girlfriends, old family photo albums, dusty old screenplays sitting in the back of my closet. The fact that she cares enough to be curious about my past is immeasurably warming and comforting. And even if Im not as interested in her past as she is in mine, I can still name all of her family members, friends, exes, and co workers. Yeah, between us, there arent many silences in the Katz household. As for whether hes a keeper, whether you can pique his curiosity and if he can really be this poor at communicating, those answers are yes, no, and yes. This is your boyfriend. He aint changing. If you can live with this, because hes a kind, loyal person with a solid job and strong values, I wouldnt judge you. Hell, youve survived this long and said that things were good. And if you bring it up with him and discover that this is as deep as he goes, you wouldnt be out of line to think you could have a stronger connection with a guy who actually cares what comes out of your mouth. But the more important overarching lesson to women is this Hollys boyfriend isnt an anomaly. This is why its not nearly as important how many degrees you have, languages you speak, countries youve seen or books youve read. If youre pretty, nice, and accept him as he is, hes probably gonna be a happy camper. The Last Day Of My Life Without You© 2017