The Ambiguous Syntax trope as used in popular culture. A simple statement becomes a bit of wordplay caused by an unclear modifier. This is also known as a. Crack status of protected video games by Dunevo, UWP, etc. As editor of the Jargon File and author of a few other wellknown documents of similar nature, I often get email requests from enthusiastic network newbies asking in. The next most common problem is the sound post falling down. It should be reset by someone with the proper training. You could severely damage the Fholes by not. As someone who always becomes the default bartender in my group of friends, I really liked not being in charge of everyones drinks for once, and everyone in. What Does Crack Someone Up Meaning' title='What Does Crack Someone Up Meaning' />Recent Events. These come up a lot. Sometimes it is because our minds are trying to process and organise what has recently happened. At other times, recent events. What does it mean when my right ankle itches my right ring finger iches my right palm itches and the top of my right hand itches and my right elbow all at the same. What rank are you Bloods0. I am Blood. 04. 1 Kill the Crip Bloods1. M may be used formarijuana or methamphetamine. XIII or X3 Symbolizes gangs of Hispanic heritageshowing allegiance to Southern California Sureo 1. If someone slapped me on the back of my head I would probably. BREAK HIS FACE WITH A HEADBUTT while I GRAB HIS NUTS AND TWIST EM THE F OFF. Sur 1. 31. 3 12 Represents 1. XIV or X4 Used by Hispanic gangs for Northern. California 1. 4th letter of alphabet N Norteo 1. Norte 1. 41. 8 1. Street Gang. 18th Street Hispanic Los Angeles street gang aligned with. Mexican Mafia. 10. Proof The real thing. California penal code for murder may be seen in graffitias a threat that someone will be killed i. John Doe may also be worn as a tattoo. AD 7 See 1. 87 above. California penal code robbery also Crip term meaning. Blood Killer2nd and 1. B K2. 12 NY City telephone area code Manhattan also Blood term Tampa, FL meaning Blood Love. Black Gangster Disciples 2nd, 7th and 4th letters ofalphabet B. G. D. 2 1. 5 1. Brothers of Struggle 2nd 1. B. O. S. 2 7 4 1. Code for Black Gangster Disciples Nation B. G. D. N. 2nd, 7th, 4th and 1. Inmates on lockup 2. Constantly 2. 4 hours per day, 7 days a week. Two Sixers Chicago street gang. C frequently used by Bloods to replace the letter C in words to disrespect the Crips i. Bla. 3k, Mi. 3key 3obras. C 3trey plus C forms Spanish word trece meaning the number 1. Rs Respect, Reputation, Revenge. Used by Bloods meaning Crip Killer 3rd and 1. C K3. 12 Crip Love 3rd and 1. Download Aim Hack Cs Source Indir. C L3. 60 Folk Nation numbers representing full circle ofknowledge3. A pure Black Gangster Disciple. Gangster Disciple code for Folks in battle4. Gangster Disciple code for Disciple trouble or Disciples in trouble Also refers to the time of day pot smokers light up sometimes seen in graffiti. Gang name taken from the telephone area code for. San Francisco, CA area. Number symbolic to People Nation. The following slang terms are Blood terms, used to disrespect Crips and the Folk Nation. BAGGIN 6 HANGIN5 FLAGGIN 6 DRAGGIN5 POPPIN 6 DROPPIN5 BUCKIN 6 DUCKIN5 FLYIN 6 DIEIN5 ALIVE 6 MUST DIE5 c. Klippin 6 DRIPPIN5 GUNNIN6 RUNNIN5 PIMPIN 6 LIMPIN5 LEADIN 6 BLEADIN5 in the sky. Revenge a People Nation member was killed a retaliation against the Folks Nation will take place. Five Percenters. 5 Percent Five Percenters. Point Star Symbolic to the People Nation. Poppin, 6 Droppin People Nation Term used to disrespect gangs in the Folks Nation People Nation 5 members shooting at Folk Nation 6members. The police. 51. 0 Oakland, CA area code used by some to identify the location of their gang or set. Neutral non gang member. Refers to a California Mental Health code may be usedto indicate the mental status of a person. May also indicate a threat by using the 5th and 1st letters of the alphabet E and A and the slang number for police 5. Eradicate All Police. Number symbolic to Folk Nation. MOB Numbers represent letters on telephone keypad. Symbol for Aryan Brotherhood, Folks and Crips also satanic cults. Point Star of David Symbolic to gangs within the Folk. Nation. 6 Poppin, 5 Droppin Folk Nation Term used to disrespect gangs in the People Nation Folk Nation 6 members shooting at People Nation 5 members. Refers to the 7th letter of the alphabet G mayrepresent G for Gangster or G for God Five Percenters7 4 Code for Gangster Disciples 7th 4th letters ofalphabet G. D. 7. 30 New York State section of law that deals with mental health evaluations used as Bloods code describes crazies8. White Supremacist Heil Hitler 8th letter of alphabet H8 Ball 18 ounce of cocaine alliance of Crips with the Folk Nation. Warning that police are coming.