Google Maps Help. Google Aerial Street View. Sunday, 1st April 2012 by Alex Turnbull. There appears to be no place on Earth that Google wont visit to capture Street View imagery. GOOGLE MAPS Street View has unearthed a creepy sighting in the midst of a deserted field in Finland. Scoping out a new place in Google Street View Now you can check out the scene in virtual reality. To access the new imagery, just fly down closer to street level. Free Real Player 11 Free Download. When Do Google Maps Update Street View' title='When Do Google Maps Update Street View' />Google Maps biking directions do more than just estimate how long it would take a very slow car to get from one point to another. Google takes traffic into account. In an absolutely enormous update, Google have in the last few minutes launched brand new Street View images for the whol. I still remember when Google Street View was that preinstalled icon that I wished I could remove from my device but couldnt because it came as part of Google Maps. Official Google Maps Help Center where you can find tips and tutorials on using Google Maps and other answers to frequently asked questions. Can you spot the change to Google Maps Street View records a major milestone. Eagleeyed users of Google Maps may notice something different about the picture below. Going somewhere Go with Maps, the official app you can rely on for realtime GPS navigation, traffic, transit, and details about millions of places, such.