Power Factor4. Required KVA by mutiplying the Total IP in KVA by 1. Calculation Example. Say Total Connected load in KW1. The calculation explained above is right basically. FLEX IO, FLEX IO XT, and FLEX Ex Bulletin 17 1794SG002FENP. Course at a Glance Course Name 52677WA Advanced Diploma of Remote Engineering, Mechatronics and Robotics Course Code DMC VET Code 52677WA. Therefore Total IP in kw 1. Total IP in KVA 1. Total KVA required 1. Therefore by considering the future connection you can select 2. KVA transformer for the above said example. With Regards. Shahul KMElec Instrumentationthe calculation explained above is right basically but actually transformer sizing also depends upon which type of load is connected if the connected load is motor so its starting current is too high and trasformer has to withstand this starting load so also consider the 5 to 6 times of full load current of largest connected motor in our company we are doing this type of calculation. GET here, i may be wrong okRegards,Abhishekabhipanchaxariyahoo. Dear Abhishek. You are right about the Tranformer sizing considerations. I feel you are much more experience as compared to me, I have just started my job in this field. Kindly can anyone send me some sample Cable and Trasformer sizing calculations. Ill appreciate that so much. Thanks and Best Regards,Sai. Email vitsignsyahoo. Hi,Can I get a cable sizing calculation spreadsheet or something. Thanks,Regards,malik hassanhotmail. Malik. search web for Electrical Calculators Electrical Engineering Calculators Cable Sizing and Wire SizingRegards, Phil Corso. Hi,Please check the following http www. Here is a simple cable calculation per IEC 6. Thanx and regards,NROHello Sir can you explain calculating KW in three phase supply like we have current R5. Y7. 8 B9. 0 and Wroot. VIpower factor so which value of current we have to put either highest or average. Prince. presuming you are interested in determining the overall power, please supply the following values o R Y Volts. Y B Volts. o B R Volts. R Neutral Volts. Y Neutral Volts. B neutral Volts. PF associated with Line Volts R Y and R Amps. PF associated with Line Volts Y B and Y Amps. PF associated with Line Volts B R and B Amps. Phase sequence or rotation, R Y B or B Y R. Regards, Phil Corso cepsiconatAOLdotcomDear Sircan you please help me to calculate Kilowatt with following data R1. AS1. 45. AT1. APowerKWPhase to phase voltage 3. Cosine of phi 0. Prince. Dear Sir can you please help me to calculate snip actually i need to know only how i will put the value of current while calculating watt because i hav three valur RYB so either i hav to take average of RYB or take or by applying VIcos phi with each phase currentthanking youregard, Prince. Prince. in answer to your 1. Sep 1. 1 0. 0 1. I emphasize approximate formula, based upon the data you provided is o k. W Sqrt3 x Vavg x Irms x Cosphi 1,0. Vavg Vry Vyb Vbr3. Irms Sqrt Ir2 Is2 It23 I will provide the more accurate method later. Regards, Phil Corso. Prince. corrected to Irms formula o Irms Sqrt Ir2 Is2 It23 Phil Corso. Prince. before replying to your second question, were you satisfied with the answer to your 1st question Phil Corso R1. A S1. 45. A T1. A PowerKW Phase to phase voltage 3. Cosine of phi 0. KW1. Ios phi1. Prince. In fact the Ampere Unbalance Factor AUF per NEMA is 3. Per IEC it is 4. 4Your power calculation, however, is suspect. Using the maximum line current and a guess timate that PF is equal to 0. The Unbalance Factor is is quite clear. Secondly, if the phase to phase values were measured at the motor terminals, and they were all 3. V, then the motor is faulted What are you trying to determine Can you provide additional detail. How about its nameplate data, to startRegards, Phil Corso. Ssatta Prince. Dec 1. Using V, A, and PF parameters presented, total power drawn from supply is 4. W. 2 Ignoring PF presented, then total power drawn from supply is 6. W. Regards, Phil Corso cepsiconatAOLdotcomDEARYOU MUST CHOSE THE HIGHEST CURRENT VALUE TO CALCULATE THE MAX POWER KW AND CHOSE THE LOWEST VALUE OF CURRENT FOR MIN POWER KW. Dear sir,im having small clarification in your transformer sizing calculation. Regards,K. Dinesh Raj. Electrical designer. Hello,With reference to your cable sizing calculation, you have written IP in k. VA By 1. 2 times. Kindly clarify this statement. Regards. Jhotha. Dear. The method you have given is not correct, although your answer and answer you get by vector addition will not differ as pf you consider in each equpt is not very different from your general assumption. W and Kvar wrt the actual loading of motor. Vars. 3. find k. Va by hypotenuse formula for trafo capacity. Hi,Just want to confirm, for the sizing of the transformer, is it to consider the total connected load or max. I think for saving of the money, better go for the max. Any advise from experts TQWady. Neither will maximum demand result in an economical solution, because load profile is extremely important Also, because there is no one size fits all approach, I suggest you contact several transformer manufacturers. Many are happy to provide you with a Product Specifier, or the like, to aid you If you have a specific application in mind, and you are unable to find a suitable answer on the web, Id be glad to helpRegards, Phil Corso. Hello,Considering total connected load sometimes would be misleading. AC motors but effective load on the input transformer is negligible as most part of the energy need is taken care by the regenerative function. Hence while selecting the cables and transformer it would be prudent to consider the operating loads at peak performance. Sitaram Calculation Example 1. Say Total Connected load in KW1. Therefore Total IP in kw 1. Total IP in KVA 1. Total KVA required 1. Therefore by considering the future connection you can select 2. KVA transformer for the above said example. How this figure 1. Total IP in KVA 1. For you clarification of Transfomer Sizing calculation could be followed as 1. Calculate Total Connected Load KW 2. Calc the Total IP in KW Considering 8. Calc Total IP in KVA Considering 0. Power Factor 4. Required KVA by multiplying the Total IP in KVA by 1. Calculation Example 1. Say Total Connected load in KW 1. Therefore Total IP in kw 1. Total IP in KVA 1. Total KVA required 1. Therefore by considering the future connection you can select 2. KVA transformer for the above said example. Visit this link, it might help. BookContents. htmtnx u for sharing this link. Godspeed In most places, you start with an electrical engineer or master electrician, who knows how to do this. But, there really isnt any rocket science involved. You simply sum up the expected and anticipated loads and size the wires for the current. In most places, the safety factors, allowable temperature rise, conduit fill and the like are regulated so you do your calculations and apply the regulations. In my part of the world, you need to have permits and inspections and even UL approvals to discourage those who dont know how from doing this.