Dynamic SQL and Bulk Operations EXECUTE IMMEDIATE and the FETCH statements, dynamicforall. Congratulations on Brian Morans great February article, Seven Tips for Speeding Large Data Loads with Bulk Copy Program. BCP is a useful SQL. In a typical data warehousing application, quite often during the ETL cycle you need to perform INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE operations on a TARGET table by matching the. Runs a SQL script from a file. The script is a text file containing SQL statements each statement must end with. This command can be used to restore a database. PLSQL Optimization and Tuning. This chapter explains how the PLSQL compiler optimizes your code and how to write efficient PLSQL code and improve existing PL. Table 1 Summary of minimal logging conditions 1 If you are using the INSERT SELECT method, the ORDER hint does not have to be specified, but the rows must be. SQL Grammar. Index. Commands Data ManipulationCommands Data DefinitionCommands OtherOther Grammar. System Tables. Information Schema. Range Table. Details. Click on the header to switch between railroad diagram and BNF. SELECT. SELECT TOP term DISTINCT ALL select. Expression. FROM table. Expression. WHERE expression. GROUP BY expression. HAVING expression. UNION ALL MINUS EXCEPT INTERSECT select ORDER BY order. LIMIT expression OFFSET expression SAMPLESIZE row. Count. Int OFFSET expression ROW ROWS FETCH FIRST NEXT expression ROW ROWS ONLY. Selects data from a table or multiple tables. GROUP BY groups the the result by the given expressions. HAVING filter rows after grouping. ORDER BY sorts the result by the given columns or expressions. UNION combines the result of this query with the results of another query. LIMIT and FETCH FIRSTNEXT ROWS ONLY limits the number of rows returned by the query no limit if null or smaller than zero. OFFSET specified how many rows to skip. Please note using high offset values should be avoided because it can cause performance problems. SAMPLESIZE limits the number of rows read for aggregate queries. Multiple set operators UNION, INTERSECT, MINUS, EXPECT are evaluated from left to right. For compatibility with other databases and future versions of H2 please use parentheses. If FOR UPDATE is specified, the tables are locked for writing. When using MVCC, only the selected rows are locked as in an UPDATE statement. In this case, aggregate, GROUP BY, DISTINCT queries or joins are not allowed in this case. Example. SELECT FROM TEST SELECT FROM TEST ORDER BY NAME SELECT ID, COUNT FROM TEST GROUP BY ID SELECT NAME, COUNT FROM TEST GROUP BY NAME HAVING COUNT 2 SELECT ID COL, MAXID AS MAX FROM TEST UNION SELECT NAME, MAXNAME FROM TEST SELECT FROM TEST LIMIT 1. SELECT FROM SELECT ID, COUNT FROM TESTGROUP BY ID UNION SELECT NULL, COUNT FROM TESTORDER BY 1 NULLS LAST INSERT. INSERT INTO table. Name. column. Name. VALUES DEFAULT expression. DIRECT SORTED select. SET column. Name DEFAULT expression. Inserts a new row new rows into a table. When using DIRECT, then the results from the query are directly applied in the target table without any intermediate step. When using SORTED, b tree pages are split at the insertion point. This can improve performance and reduce disk usage. Example. INSERT INTO TEST VALUES1, HelloUPDATE. UPDATE table. Name AS new. Table. Alias SET. Name DEFAULT expression. Name. select. WHERE expression ORDER BY order. LIMIT expression. Updates data in a table. ORDER BY is supported for My. SQL compatibility, but it is ignored. Example. UPDATE TEST SET NAMEHi WHERE ID1 UPDATE PERSON P SET NAMESELECT A. NAME FROM ADDRESS A WHERE A. IDP. ID DELETE. DELETE TOP term FROM table. Name WHERE expression LIMIT term. Deletes rows form a table. If TOP or LIMIT is specified, at most the specified number of rows are deleted no limit if null or smaller than zero. Example. DELETE FROM TEST WHERE ID2. BACKUP. BACKUP TO file. Name. String. Backs up the database files to a. Objects are not locked, but the backup is transactionally consistent because the transaction log is also copied. Admin rights are required to execute this command. Example. BACKUP TO backup. CALL. CALL expression. Calculates a simple expression. This statement returns a result set with one row, except if the called function returns a result set itself. If the called function returns an array, then each element in this array is returned as a column. Example. CALL 1. 5. EXPLAIN. EXPLAIN PLAN FOR ANALYZE select insert update delete merge. Shows the execution plan for a statement. When using EXPLAIN ANALYZE, the statement is actually executed, and the query plan will include the actual row scan count for each table. Example. EXPLAIN SELECT FROM TEST WHERE ID1. MERGE. MERGE INTO table. Name column. Name. KEY column. Name. VALUES DEFAULT expression. Updates existing rows, and insert rows that dont exist. If no key column is specified, the primary key columns are used to find the row. If more than one row per new row is affected, an exception is thrown. If the table contains an auto incremented key or identity column, and the row was updated, the generated key is set to 0 otherwise it is set to the new key. Example. MERGE INTO TEST KEYID VALUES2, WorldRUNSCRIPT. RUNSCRIPT FROM file. Name. Stringscript. Compression. Encryption. CHARSET charset. String. Runs a SQL script from a file. The script is a text file containing SQL statements each statement must end with. This command can be used to restore a database from a backup. The password must be in single quotes it is case sensitive and can contain spaces. Instead of a file name, an URL may be used. To read a stream from the classpath, use the prefix classpath. See the Pluggable File System section on the Advanced page. The compression algorithm must match the one used when creating the script. Instead of a file, an URL may be used. Admin rights are required to execute this command. Example. RUNSCRIPT FROM backup. RUNSCRIPT FROM classpath comacmetest. SCRIPT. SCRIPT SIMPLE NODATA NOPASSWORDS NOSETTINGS. DROP BLOCKSIZE block. Size. Int. TO file. Name. Stringscript. Compression. Encryption. CHARSET charset. String. TABLE table. Name ,. SCHEMA schema. Name ,. Creates a SQL script from the database. SIMPLE does not use multi row insert statements. NODATA will not emit INSERT statements. If the DROP option is specified, drop statements are created for tables, views, and sequences. If the block size is set, CLOB and BLOB values larger than this size are split into separate blocks. BLOCKSIZE is used when writing out LOB data, and specifies the point at the values transition from being inserted as inline values, to be inserted using out of line commands. NOSETTINGS turns off dumping the database settings the SET XXX commandsIf no TO file. Name clause is specified, the script is returned as a result set. This command can be used to create a backup of the database. For long term storage, it is more portable than copying the database files. If a TO file. Name clause is specified, then the whole script including insert statements is written to this file, and a result set without the insert statements is returned. La Battaglia Della Terra Di Mezzo 2 Crack Rocks. The password must be in single quotes it is case sensitive and can contain spaces. This command locks objects while it is running. Admin rights are required to execute this command. When using the TABLE or SCHEMA option, only the selected tables schemas are included. Example. SCRIPT NODATASHOW. SHOW SCHEMAS TABLES FROM schema. Name. COLUMNS FROM table. Name FROM schema. Name. Lists the schemas, tables, or the columns of a table. Example. SHOW TABLESWITH. WITH RECURSIVE name column. Name. AS select. Can be used to create a recursive or non recursive query common table expression. For recursive queries the first select has to be a UNION. One or more common table entries can be referred to by name. Column name declarations are now optional the column names will be inferred from the named select queries. Example. WITH RECURSIVE tn AS SELECT 1. UNION ALLSELECT n 1. FROM t. WHERE n lt 1. SELECT sumn FROM t ALTER INDEX RENAME. ALTER INDEX IF EXISTS index. Name RENAME TO new. Index. Name. Renames an index. This command commits an open transaction in this connection. Example. ALTER INDEX IDXNAME RENAME TO IDXTESTNAMEALTER SCHEMA RENAME. ALTER SCHEMA IF EXISTS schema RENAME TO new. Schema. Name. Renames a schema. This command commits an open transaction in this connection. Working with the bcp Command line Utility. The bcp utility is a command line tool that uses the Bulk Copy Program BCP API to bulk copy data between an instance of SQL Server and a data file. By using the utility, you can export data from a SQL Server database into a data file, import data from a data file into a SQL Server database, and generate format files that support importing and exporting operations. To use the bcp utility to perform these tasks, you can run a bcp command along with the appropriate arguments at a Command Prompt window. The command should conform to the following syntax bcptableviewquery outqueryoutinformat datafilenul optionalargument. As you can see, a bcp command requires three arguments. The first tableviewquery represents the data source or destination in a SQL Server database. You can use the bcp utility to export data from a table or view or through a query. If you specify a query, you must enclose it in quotation marks. In addition, you can import data into a table or view. If you import into a view, all columns within the view must reference a single table. Note that, when you specify a table or view, you must qualify the name with the database or schema names as necessary. The second argument in a bcp command outqueryoutinformat determines the commands mode direction. When you run a bcp command, you must specify one of the following four modes out The command exports data from a table or view into a data file. The command exports data retrieved through a query into a data file. The command imports data from a data file into a table or view. The command creates a format file based on a table or view. Format files are explained later in the article. The third argument in a bcp command datafilenul is the full path of the data file or, when a data file should not be specified, the nul value. If youre importing data, you must specify the file that contains the source data. If youre exporting data, you must specify the file that the data will be copied to. If the file does not exist, it will be created. When youre using the bcp utility to generate a format file, you do not specify a data file. Instead, you should specify nul in place of the data file name. In addition to the three required arguments, you can include one or more optional arguments when you issue a bcp command. The bcp utility supports numerous optional arguments, and the ones you include often depend on the mode you specify in the second argument. The remainder of this article provides examples that demonstrate how many of these arguments work. For a description of all the arguments supported by the bcp utility, see the topic bcp Utility in SQL Server Books Online. Exporting Data from a Table or View. As mentioned above, when you export data out of a table or view, you must specify the out option, along with the data source and destination file. The following bcp command copies data from the Employee table in the Adventure. Works. 20. 08 sample database and copies it to the Employee. Data. dat file. 1bcp. Adventure. Works. Human. Resources. Employeeout. C DataEmployee. Data. dat SlocalhostSql. Srv. 20. 08 TAs you would expect, the command includes the three required arguments the source table Adventure. Works. 20. 08. Human. Resources. Employee, the mode out, and the full path name of the destination data file C DataEmployee. Data. dat. If the data file exists when you run the command, any data within the file will be overwritten with the exported Employee information. If the file does not exist, it will be created and the data will be exported. The fourth argument in the example S localhostSql. Srv. 20. 08 specifies the server and instance of SQL Server. You do not have to include the instance name if the source database is in the default instance. And if the source database is in the default instance on the local machine, you do not have to specify the S argument at all, as in the following example 1bcp. Adventure. Works. Human. Resources. Employeeout. C DataEmployee. Data. dat TThe last argument in the preceding examples T indicates that a trusted connection should be used to connect to SQL Server. You should use this option if the SQL Server instance uses integrated security. If integrated security is not used, you should instead specify the U argument, along with the login ID of an account that can access the SQL Server instance. For example, the following bcp command specifies the login ID acct. SQL Server instance 1bcp. Adventure. Works. Human. Resources. Employeeout. C DataEmployee. Data. dat SlocalhostSql. Srv. 20. 08 Uacct. When you run this command, you will be prompted for a password. Alternatively, you can include the password in the command as well by specifying the P argument, along with the accounts password pw. Adventure. Works. Human. Resources. Employeeout. C DataEmployee. Data. dat SlocalhostSql. Srv. 20. 08 Uacct. Ppw. 12. 3However, Microsoft generally recommends that you do not include the P argument and instead wait to be prompted. But there might be circumstance when you want to pass in the password as part of the command. When you run any of the commands shown in the preceding examples, you will be prompted for information about each column in the source table or view. The following three prompts show you the type of data that you need to supply for each column Enterthefilestoragetypeoffield. Business. Entity. IDint Enterprefix lengthoffield. Business. Entity. ID0 Enterfieldterminatornone These prompts are what you receive for the Business. Entity. ID column in the Employee table. Notice that each prompt includes a recommended value, shown in the brackets. To accept the suggested setting, press Enter after you receive the prompt. Otherwise enter a value and then press Enter. Note, however, the recommended settings are generally your best options. For more information about each prompt, see the topic Specifying Data Formats for Compatibility by Using bcp in SQL Server Books Online. After you respond to each prompt for each column, you will be asked whether you want to save the format information and, if so, the full path name of the format file, as shown in the following two prompts DoyouwanttosavethisformatinformationinafileYnHostfilenamebcp. As you can imagine, it can get quite annoying having to supply format information each time you run a bcp command when exporting data. Fortunately, the bcp utility includes options that make this process much simpler. When defining your bcp command, you can include one of the following four arguments, which specify how the data should be formatted n native format The bcp utility retains the database native data types when bulk copying the data to the data file. Microsoft recommends that you use this format to bulk copy data between instances of SQL Server. However, you should use this format option only when the data file should not support extended or double byte character set DBCS characters. N Unicode native format The bcp utility uses the database native data types for non character data and uses Unicode for character data for the bulk copy operation. Microsoft recommends that you use this format to bulk copy data between SQL Server instances when the data file should support extended or DBCS characters. Unicode character format The bcp utility uses Unicode characters when bulk copying data to the data file. This format option is intended for bulk copying data between SQL Server instances. Note, however, that the Unicode native format N offers a higher performance alternative. The bcp utility uses character data for the bulk copy operation. Microsoft recommends that you use this format to bulk copy data between SQL Server and other applications, such as Microsoft Excel. When you include one of these options, you are not prompted for format information. The formatting is taken care of automatically.