Robocopy Robust File Copy is a commandline file copying tool included in Windows operating system beginning from Windows Vista, and available in every new versions. Conditional comments Up. Due to its relatively poor level of standards support, Internet Explorer tends to be the subject of most CSS hacks. Luckily, as of version 5. Solving the Issue The Filename, Directory Name, or Volume Label Syntax is Incorrect 0x. BThe Problem When Attempting to enable VSS on a new La. Cie 2. Big drive, I received the error Could not apply the settings for the following reason The filename, directory name or volume label syntax is incorrect. BAfter clicking OK, a second error immediately pops up that says There was an unexpected error in the property page The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect. BPlease close the property page and try again. Atlas Right Track Software Libraries Transform. After every subsequent attempt to edit the VSS settings, only the second dialog box is given in response. If you change the volume label you will again see the first error message once, and then after that the second only. My Solution In the System Properties dialog box, on the System Protection tab or type System. Properties. Protection. Start Menu and hit enter, make sure that there is only one C drive in the list. If you see more than one C drive that has protection turned on, either remove protection from all C drives or leave protection on for the C drive that has the Windows logo on it. Then once again try to enable the protection settings for the original volume that your were working with. If that doesnt solve the problem, try some of the other suggested fixes in this thread. Also, I dealt with a problem that had a part of the same error message in it, and solved that over at Fixing The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect in Windows Server Backup which might be of help to you. The Story I was attempting to turn on Volume Shadow Copy for a brand new La. Cie Two Big hard drive that I have, but was greeted with the error messages already listed above. I wondered if it was because the volume label had a number in it. I changed it with label. Searching the web for those errors reveals that a lot of people are receiving them while trying to run a Windows backup. This post in a thread at sevenforums. If youre still having issues even after the above fix, check out the other possibilities in that post. According to Dell, the error is as a result of system restore points being pointed to a place that does not exist. How or why that situation came about in the first place is still a mystery to me. Also, I still do not know why the restore points of one drive affect the VSS option on a completely different drive.