SUSESUSE, Red. Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL, Slackware and so on. PHP SQL Server Pre requisites. To connect PHP on UNIXLinux with SQL Server, we used PHP 4. Later. To check which version of PHP you are running, use the php v command from the shell prompt. If you get a command not found error, there is no PHP on your PATH perhaps because you have not installed it. If PHP is installed, you should see something like 4. Accessing Microsoft SQL Server mssql from PHP under Apache on Unix or Linux. For content related to previous versions of SQL Server, see Maximum Capacity Specifications for SQL Server. The following tables specify maximum sizes and numbers of. How does one get a truly random sample of data of a certain size from a SQL Server database table. Well, there are simple nonportable tricks one can use, such as the. If you have an older version of PHP than the required one, go to http www. Documentation and installation instructions can be found both in the README that is included in the distribution and at http www. We tested Easysoft ODBC drivers with PHP 5. PHP 5. 3. 1. 0, PHP 5. Im learning more details in table variable. It says that temp tables are always on disk, and table variables are in memory, that is to say, the performance of table. You may ask the obvious question why the range lock is required The reason is the way how SQL Server handles modifications of the data. The data is always. Microsoft SQL Server est un systme de gestion de base de donnes SGBD en langage SQL incorporant entre autres un SGBDR SGBD relationnel dvelopp et. In SQL Server 2005, we can create temp tables one of two ways declare tmp table Col1 int, Col2 int or create table tmp Col1 int, Col2 int What are the. PHP 4. 2. 2. Installing PHPWe used a package manager to install PHP on our Linux client machines. A package manager is a program that installs and uninstalls software, and keeps track of the components each piece of software needs. On Ubuntu, we used the Synaptic package manager to install PHP. On Red. Hat, we used the redhat config packages package manager to install PHP from RPMs. Installing PHP from Packages on Ubuntu. On the System menu, choose Administration, and then choose Synaptic Package Manager. Type the administrative sudo password when prompted. In Synaptic Package Manager, mark php. Accept when prompted to install dependent packages libapache. If you want to run PHP from the command line as well as from under Apache, mark php cli for installation. Click the Apply button. Installing PHP from RPMs on Red. Hat. Click the Red. Hat icon, and then click AddRemove Applications from the System Settings menu. Type the root password when prompted. Add the php and php odbc Web Server packages. Click the Update button. Testing PHPThe first PHP script you create should call the phpinfo function, as this function allows you to test that your PHP distribution is working correctly. The phpinfo function displays extensive configuration information about PHP and the system on which PHP is running. To create this PHP script, you need to do something like this Create a file called phpinfo. Add these lines to phpinfo. This is a simple one liner that amongst other things returns relevant PHP informationlt Save this file, and then from the command line, type. This redirects the output from phpinfo into an HTML file called newhtmlfile. Apache 2. 0 or Later. When developing this tutorial, we ran PHP under Apache 2. Apache 2. 2 and Apache 2. To find out which version of Apache you are running, enter the following command at the shell prompt httpdbindirhttpd VOrhttpdbindirapache. Vwhere httpdbindir is the directory where the http daemon is installed. For example, on Linux, the default location is normally usrsbin. The V option displays information about the Apache installation. For example Server version Apache2. Ubuntu. Server built Oct 4 2. Servers Module Magic Number 2. Server loaded APR 1. APR Util 1. 2. 7. Compiled using APR 1. APR Util 1. 2. 7. Architecture 3. Server MPM Prefork. Server compiled with. D APACHEMPMDIRservermpmprefork. D APRHASSENDFILEOn Ubuntu, make sure that etcapache. Load. Module php. The entry enables Apache to dynamically load the PHP module. On Red. Hat, check etchttpdconf. We created both. To tell Apache which module it should use to process the. Apache httpd. conf file apache. Ubuntu Use the PHP module to process. Add. Type applicationx httpd php. Note All the examples in this tutorial will work even if you do not have a web server installed. You can also run the example PHP scripts from the shell prompt. SQL Server ODBC Driver. We used our UNIXLinux ODBC driver for SQL Server 7. Express to connect PHP to remote SQL Server databases. Download the SQL Server ODBC driver for your PHP client platform. Registration required. If the SQL Server ODBC driver is not currently available for your platform, check the list of ODBC ODBC Bridge Client platforms. The ODBC ODBC Bridge is an alternative SQL Server solution from Easysoft, which you can download from this site. Install and license the SQL Server ODBC driver on the machine where PHP is installed. For installation instructions, see the ODBC driver documentation. Refer to the documentation to see which environment variables you need to set LDLIBRARYPATH, LIBPATH, LDRUNPATH, SHLIBPATH depending on the driver, platform and linker. Create an ODBC data source in etcodbc. SQL Server database you want to access from PHP. For example, this SQL Server ODBC data source connects to a SQL Server Express instance that serves the Northwind database. MSSQL PHP. Driver Easysoft ODBC SQL Server. Server mymachineSQLEXPRESS. User mydomainmyuser. Password mypassword. If the database you want to connect to is the default. SQL Server login, omit this attribute. Database Northwind. Use isql to test the new data source. For example. cd usrlocaleasysoftunix. ODBCbin. isql v MSSQL PHPAt the prompt, type help to display a list of tables. To exit, press return in an empty prompt line. Examples How to Connect PHP with SQL Server and Retrieve Data. The following PHP script accesses a remote SQL Server database, selects and then fetches some test data. Use it to check that you can successfully access your SQL Server instance from a PHP script. Patch Command Not Found In Cygwin Gcc. Remember to replace the datasourcename and database username and password placeholders with appropriate values for your database. To run this script Copy the script shown below into a new file. Replace datasourcename, databaseusername and databasepassword with your SQL Server ODBC data source, login name and password. To run the script under Apache, save the file below your Apache web servers document root directory. For example, varwwwapache. Then view the file in a web browser. If your web browser is not running on the same machine as the web server, replace localhost with the web servers host name or IP address. To run the script from the command line, save the file. For example, tmpphp mssql connection. Then run php tmpphp mssql connection. PHP MSSQL Example. Replace datasourcename with the name of your data source. Replace databaseusername and databasepasswordwith the SQL Server database username and password. Connect to the data source and get a handle for that connection. Connection Failed. Connection Failed. This query generates a result set with one record in it. SELECT 1 AS testcol Execute the statement. Fetch and display the result set value. Error in SQL whileodbcfetchrowrscol. Disconnect the database from the database handle.