The best Ark Survival Evolved mods. Ark Survival Evolved has finally grown beyond early access and woken up, naked and shivering, on the beach of the wider world. Its a hard game to really love, but its community and adaptability make it a haven for impressive mods. Fortunately, Arks years in the early access jungles have given modders plenty of time to gin up some baffling, hilarious, and ingenious additions. Some mods add new features, others tweak the interminable grind, and there are already a few full conversion mods that transform Ark into a pirate island or a Pokemon wilderness. Here are the best mods for Ark Survival Evolved. Grind elimination mods. These mods cut down on the tedium, make building and crafting easier and more interesting, and give you cool new fast travel options. Structures Plus. Download link. Postal 2 Mods Weapons Download Free' title='Postal 2 Mods Weapons Download Free' />For a game thats all about building and crafting, Ark has some really heinous building mechanics. Structures Plus overhauls Arks building and crafting systems, fixing all kinds of weird snap points and silly limitations add water pipes to your raft, add electrical wires to your walls, build ceilings that sit on top of your walls instead of clipping through them. Best of all, Structures Plus gives you the ability to pick up things and move them instead of destroying and replacing them. The mod also includes master crafting stations that can craft every technology and pull materials from nearby containers, so you dont have to run all over your house micromanaging supplies and building ingredients at three different tables. Upgrade Station. Download link. A lot of the gear in Ark comes in multiple qualities, from primitive to master crafted. The trouble is, high quality gear only shows up randomly in loot drops or beacons. But why Youve got a workbench, youve got tools, youve got all the time in the world. The Upgrade Station mod adds a workbench where you can improve the quality of your weapons, tools, and armor yourself. You can also use the upgrade station workbench to tear down extra items for materials, which is a nice alternative to chucking them in the river like I do. Stargate Worlds. Download link. The islands on Ark are big, and theyre full of things that will eat you. If you want to skip the long, dangerous dino rides, its easy just walk like an Egyptian through the glowing event horizon of a wormhole connecting two points in subspace. Using a Stargate in Ark isnt a cheat. It will take you some serious time to build Stargates and power up their zero point modules. Mods. Nude and NonNude patchesmods for games without their own forums. Fri May 12, 2017 159 am. The largest network of nude patches and nude mods for all popular games. Instant download and detailed guides on installation for all nude skins. The redeployment of tactical nuclear weapons is an alternative worth a full review, Song added, though according to the Post did not mention Mattis response. Once you do, though, you can connect a network of Stargates and give yourself fast access to different parts of the island. Its a powerful shortcut that youll have to earn, and that makes it more fun and more rewarding than walking or driving a boat ever could be. Automated Ark. Download link. The bigger your base gets, the more of a chore it is to keep it running. Especially if youre farming, cooking, breeding dinos, you can spend a lot of time collecting poop and refilling troughs and pulling cooked meat off the fire. Postal 2 stylized as POSTAL 2 is a black comedy firstperson shooter video game by Running With Scissors, and it is the sequel to the 1997 game Postal. Automated Ark takes care of all of those kinds of things for you, with items that harvest crops, pull spoiled meat out of carnivores inventories, and many more. There is some overlap between Automated Ark and Structures Plus, especially regarding auto pulling items between storage chests and crafting tables. Live a week in the life of The Postal Dude a hapless everyman just trying to check off some chores. Buying milk, returning an overdue library book, getting. If you want to dive deep into farming and animal husbandry, through, youre going to want to add Automated Ark to your kit. Inventory Cleaner. Download link. FlintI hate flint. Im up to my damn neck in flint. Rihanna Ford Game. When youve got two storage chests full of flint at home and youre out mining for metal ore, stopping every few minutes to dump a ton of flint and stone on the ground is just one more tedious part of the grind. With Inventory Cleaner, you can auto purge your inventory and drop or destroy any type of item you dont want to pick up. It works for anything if youre hunting for narcoberries, you can ditch plant fiber and other berries if youre hunting with raptors, you can leave behind heavy hides while you stock up on meat. A huge aggravation saver for players who still want to grind and forage but arent opposed to working smart. Carts and Wagons. Download link. If you want to carry tons and tons of materials but carrying a backpack with six tons of obsidian feels like a game breaker, embrace the primitive island setting and go old school hitch a wagon to your butt and start pulling. Carts and Wagons is in development, but I havent come across any bugs hitching the basic wagons to myself or to common dinos. Now my raptors can pull enough weight to make my Stego obsolete, and solo farming runs dont have to be limited by my own personal carry weight. Reusable Plus. Download link. It takes so much work to craft items that its a real shame when a simple tool breaks after a single use. A flare gun that cant be reloaded A parachute that evaporates when you land Come on, Ark. Thankfully, Reusable Plus adds blueprints for reusable versions of the bola, grappling hook, and spear. Now you can devote the time and resources to making these things once, then move on with your day. New experience mods. These mods add totally new features to Ark Survival Evolved to make the island a more varied place. NPC Bush People. Download link. Official servers can be a grind and Pv. P can be a Hobbesian horror show, so whats a lonely survivor supposed to do If you want to hunt two legged creatures on your singleplayer island, NPC Bush People adds tribes of humans and scatters primitive NPC settlements across the land. You still wont have any friends, but battling humans is a nice change of pace. Like any other creature, you can train NPC humans and ride on their backs, but we should note here that slavery is absolutely not endorsed by PC Gamer. Advanced Architecture. Download link. Even after you break free from the all right angles and wonky restrictions of Arks vanilla building system, your options for sweeping architectural masterpieces are somewhat limited. Advanced Architecture goes all Pillars of the Earth on the basic thatch huts youre used to with drawbridges, ceilings, braziers, and even a throne upon which to plant your royal butt. Pimp My Dino. Download link. Formerly known as Pimp My Rex, Pimp My Dino refuses to discriminate and adds armor and customization options for all dinos, regardless of age, gender, or culinary preference. Several different armor and clothing sets are available for your dinos, making them dangerous and stylish and dangerously stylish. Dino Trackers. Download link. It only takes a moment. An unlocked gate or an open door, and suddenly your dino is lost. Every year, millions of domesticated dinos escape, and some of them are never seen again. Keep your dinos safe with the Dino Tracker, a combo of two items collar and tracker. Craft them and outfit your animals with them, and youll always be able to track Fido downwhether he really did get lost or if that big idiot got stuck on a tree and you didnt notice until you were miles down the road. Armored Storage Stands. Download link. You can craft and store so many different things in Ark, but there are surprisingly few ways to store or showcase the products of your hard work. Armored Storage Stands adds special shelves, gun racks, and armor stands so you dont have to throw everything you own into a box and close the lid. You can showcase saddles, armor, swords, rifles, and clothes while keeping things organized and secure. Steampunk Modtacular. Download link. A book of blueprints from the late, great Dr. Rubeus Oswald reveals a lot of possibilities for survivors with a penchant for bronze and leather. The Steampunk Index includes plans for steampunk style stuff including buildings, lights, gates, statues, and hot air balloons. If your low tech survivor needs a steam powered upgrade and a fancy set of goggles that look nice with a top hat, this is your mod. Call of the Wild.